Chapter 21:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
"How does she look?" Kim, Aja and I walked to the elevator, each of us in heels.

"She looks nice sis. You did a really job picking out the dress and everything else."

"Well I made sure to pick something that would fit her." My mind drifted to how I used pictures of Katya from my phone to pick the perfect dress, colors of the makeup, and hairstyle. I remember showing the young woman at Sephora the ten pictures of Katya I have. We talked about what eye-shadow would go with her eyes and what lipstick would look good with her skin tone. I spent more time trying to help Katya than helping myself. The truth is, I asked Katya last night to pick her dress and etc, when I had already decided I would. In my short time with Katya I have not only seen that she is talented but also full of stress. I also have seen that her and stressful situations do not get along at all.

"Hey Trixie?" I turned my head to face Kim as we got in the elevator.

"Why the top floor for the party? Parties are usually in the lobby."

"Well um, the lobby isn't in use right now. Well at least for a party."

"Why's that?"

"Katya is painting it for me."

"She paints?" Aja looked away from her phone.

"Well no duh, Trixie said she was painting it for her. Keep up kid." Aja rolled her eyes at Kim and went back to her phone. "Anyway, how are you two getting along? Like actually."

"Pretty well. She is a sweetheart, just the sweetest."

"Sweeter than Dela?"

"No one could be sweeter than Dela. If you are, you should go to the doctor because you'll probably die from a sugar overload." Kim and I laughed at Aja's remark.

"I agree with Aja, but she comes close to it. I just, I want her happy you know?"

"Is she not happy Trixie?"

"She is, but I guess I want her to be happier?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. Human nature is to want someone you love to be the happiest they can be." I looked at Kim in shock.

"Hey, who said I loved her?" Kim leaned against the elevator rail and chuckled a little. She winked at me and looked at the numbers go up. Not giving me an answer. After the last three floors, the elevator doors opened. We all walked out of the elevator and towards the roof. I stopped by a mirror in the hall and looked at my makeup.

"Pearl did a good job don't worry, and I am sure Katya will think so too." Kim grabbed my hand and walked me the rest of the way. I took a deep breathe as I opened the door that led to the roof. There were already so many people here and this wasn't even all of them. I looked around and saw many of my friends, Alyssa, Pearl, Shea, Bob, Farrah, and even Willam and Courtney. I looked around some more and found who I was looking for. Katya. Katya looked gorgeous and my heart felt like it was going to stop.

"Well go talk to her." Aja hip bumped me into view. I walked towards Katya and saw that she wasn't alone. There was Adore, Ginger, and a few other girls I had never seen before. Adore jumped up and down as soon as she saw me.

"Ms. Mattel, Ms. Mattel, over here!" Katya looked in my direction and I swear I saw her smile get a little bigger.

"Hello Adore. How are you?" I gave Adore a hug as I smiled, trying to avoid the eyes on me.

"I am feeling good. I am kinda nervous about performing in front of this many people but still good."

"You will do just fine, just remember what we through in rehearsal." Adore nodded and smiled. "You should go see Pearl, she wants to make sure she has the right music and everything."

"Will do. Oh wait, I want you to meet someone." Adore grabbed an older woman's hand. She was beautiful but in a different way. "This is my girlfriend Bianca. Bianca this is Ms. Mattel."

"Please just call me Trixie. It is nice to meet you Bianca." Adore kissed her girlfriend then walked off to find Pearl as Bianca and I talked.

"Likewise. Anyone who can deal with that girl there has to be worth meeting. And thank you for giving her a chance at all this."

"No need to thank me. It was all her, she is very special."

"Yeah, yeah she is." I could tell Bianca was talking about a different special than I was. I was talking about vocal wise while she was talking about something that made her go googly eyed. Bianca and I walked to sit at one of the empty tables, we both grabbed a glass of wine as we sat down. "So, you're Katya's boss huh? Ms. Mattel herself?"

"Yeah, the one and only." I took a sip of my wine as I tapped my foot under the table.

"How is that?"

"It is nice. We get along pretty well." Bianca took a sip from her glass as she looked at me.

"Pretty well seems to be an understatement." Bianca looked over at Katya. "She talks about you all the time, you know?"

"Does she?"

"Yeah, on the drive here she talked about how you listened to her about her family. She told us you even opened up." I looked at Bianca with a bit of worry. "Calm down, she didn't tell us anything. She respects privacy. Well yours at least, she sings like a song bird about the rest of us." I laughed at Bianca's joke and covered my mouth.

"Hey, how long have you and Adore been together?"

"A year or so, it takes her to tell you. All of our friends knew before we did."

"Knew what?"

"That we were meant for each other," Bianca paused and looked at Adore then back at me with a small smile. She put her hand on my mine "Sometimes, friends do indeed know best Ms. Mattel." Bianca got up and walked to Adore. I watched as she hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"Is this seat taken?" I turned around to see Katya smiling at me with that perfect smile that had me hooked since day one.

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