Chapter 32:Trixie

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Trixie's POV

"Kim, are you still meeting me there?"

"Yes, Aja and I are on our way there now."

"Oh god, who invited Aja?"

"I invited myself bitch, watch yourself." Aja screamed into Kim's phone.

"Ugh, fine just don't tell anyone alright?"

"Well, we can't really tell anyone if we don't know where we are going."

"You will find out when you drive to the address I sent you Kim."

"Kim, she could be leading us to the slaughter house and we wouldn't even know it."

"Aja, shut up. Just meet me okay?"

"Okay Trixie."

"See you then girls." I got in my taxi and told the older man where I was going. I told Katya to be back here in three hours, so I didn't have much time to pick up what I needed. I had a hour at best. I tapped my fingers on my thigh as I looked out of the window. I had a lot on my mind that I still was trying to figure out. Most of my thoughts now were about Katya and how to make her happier than she was. It was all still a work in progress, Katya and I. I didn't know where Katya and I were headed but what I did know is that my life was better with her. I wanted that better to last forever. A lot of my new favorite things involved her, waking up to her, holding her at night, even our late night cooking sessions. Katya had done so much more than she knew. My mind drifted to a dark night about two months ago. Katya was late getting to my house, which was normal. I passed the time by playing my guitar in the room that Katya and I painted. It was a calming shade of pastel pink. Katya would tell me to go in there when I needed some Trixie time. That night, she told me that I needed to reach for my dreams. She told me to make my own dreams come true and push for my own happiness.

"Trix, you spend too much time focusing on others." Katya put a piece of sushi in her mouth as she sat on the ground looking at me.

"Katya, we talk about this all the time. I am okay."

"Well, I know that. But that doesn't mean you aren't happy with some parts of your life. I hear the way you play, the way you sing. You put your all into it, paper pushing behind a desk all the time isn't for you."

"I'm not paper pushing."

"Eh, you kinda are."

"Whatever Katya." I sat my guitar down and stood up. Katya grabbed my hand as I walked past her.

"I want you to be happy okay? Happy with yourself and your life babe, that's all." I smiled at Katya and kissed her head.

"I am happy with my life, because I have you." What I said to Katya was true, I was happy because I had her.

After a 15 minute ride, I was finally where I needed to be. I stood out front, waiting for Kim and Aja. I smiled when I saw blue hair and heard a loud voice. "I'm just saying Kim, you need some action."

"Yeah, and you need a straight jacket and an off switch." Aja and Kim stopped arguing long enough to say hi to me.

"Hey girls, why are you two always at each other's throats?"

"Because Kim is a grumpy woman who needs some good sex."

"Sex doesn't fix everything Aja."

"Oh blah blah blah. Where are we supposed to be going?"

"Right here." The girls looked at a sign above my head. Aja crossed her arms and looked at me rather strange.

"A jewelry shop?"

"Yes, now come on. I don't have much time." Kim, Aja, and I all walked into the door of the shop. I walked to the front counter and tapped on the bell. An older man appeared from the back and smiled at me.

"Hello Miss, how may I help you?"

"Um, I came here maybe five weeks ago and placed an order on an out of stock ring with a few custom touches."

"Name?" The man stood at a computer at the end of the counter.

"Beatrice Mattel."

"Oh yes, here you are. I will go get your order."

"Thank you." I turned around to see Kim and Aja, staring at me. "What?"

"Why are we here?"

"I'm picking something up and I wanted someone's opinion other than mine."

"Well, what are you getting?"

"You'll see."

"Miss Mattel, here you are." I turned and smiled when I saw the black box in the older man's hand.

"Excuse me, could you let me see it before we go?"

"Of course." Kim and Aja gasped when the man opened the box. Inside was the ring I had made for Katya. It was a sliver and black ring with a red diamond in the middle, surrounded by smaller purple jewels. Aja was the first to speak, as always.

"Trixie, what is that?" I finished paying for the ring and took the box. I waved bye to the man and walked outside, followed by Kim and Aja.

"It's a ring Aja."

"Well, no duh. But like for who?"

"Aja, you can look at it and tell who it's for." Kim grabbed the sleeve of my sweater and looked at me. "Trixie?"

"Kim, I don't know when okay? But just in case, I just have a feeling."

"Just make sure." I nodded and looked down at the box, there was a small smile on my face. I didn't know when the time would come, but I knew it would. Maybe it would be a few weeks from now, or shit maybe in 20 years. All I knew was that, that day would come.

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