Further away

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"We should set up camp your majesty's." Orious said as they stopped in a small clearing in the woods.
"I agree." Susan said with a nod.
"But what about Peter and Edmund?" Lucy said quickly.
"Lu." Susan sighed. "There's no point in looking for them whilst it's dark, we'll hardly be able to see anything."
Lucy didn't look at all happy but said nothing else. She sighed as she sat against a tree. The dark probably wasn't going to stop Peter from looking. She thought. And she was right.
Miles and miles away Peter walked through the woods, panting slightly, determined to find Edmund.
"Edmund!" He yelled as loud as he could. "Edmund!"
He let out a sigh when there was no reply. He could hardly see anything now, it was so dark. But he told himself that that wasn't going to stop him. So he carried on. Yelling Edmund's name, making sure he checked every part of the woods. But still he couldn't find his brother.


Edmund let out a shaky breath as he continued walking, at a very slow pace. He gasped slightly as he moved his arm, and at the constant pain in his stomach. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle this much longer, he only hoped he'd be able to until he reached Cair Paravel.
He forced himself to carry on walking, immediately regretting it as he tripped.
He tripped over his own feet and landed with a thud on the ground, hitting his head against a small rock.
Edmnd groaned as his hand went to his head, almost at once feeling blood.
He sighed as he layed his head down on the floor. His vision started to go blury as his head started to pound.
Edmund took deep breaths as he lay there, unable to help the tears that ran down his cheeks. He wanted to go home. That's all he wanted.
He let out a small sob as he felt blood running down his temple. "P-Peter." He choked. "Pete."
He lay there, hand going to his stomach, surprised to find his fingers go wet with blood.
He frowned, how was the wound bleeding? But then he sighed, he can't say it had exactly healed properly before he fell down the hill.
"Please." He mumbled, tears rolling down his face. "Peter."
He felt weak, his head was pounding, his vision was blury, his now partly reopened wound was causing him agony. The scratches and bruises from his fall stung, his tears causing the ones of his face to sting more.
Why had he left? He thought as his eyes squeezed shut against the pain. If he hadn't, everything would be alright. His siblings wouldn't be worried sick, like they probably were and he wouldn't be lying here on the floor in the middle of the woods, with a huge gash on his head which was bleeding at an alarming rate. He carefully put his hand to the gash, pushing down on it to see if he could stop it from bleeding. He gasped in pain as he pushed down with as much strength as he could, but it made hardly any difference, it just continued to bleed. He figured that that was what was making his vision blury and his head pound.
His eyes opend again as he tried his hardest to stay conscious. He had to, if anyone came near, and he had passed out, he wouldn't be able to call for help.
He let out a shaky breath, also trying his hardest not to throw up.
He bit his lip as a sharp pain shot through his stomach. Why couldn't it end? That's all he wanted, for it to end. And to be back at Cair Paravel curled up in Peter's arms.


"Edmund!" Peter cried, tears appearing in his eyes. He should of brought some sort of torch with him, he'd at least be able to see properly then.
He sighed as he looked down at Edmund's sword, which he had been holding tightly in his hand ever since he'd found it. "Where are you Eddy." He whispered, voice cracking.
He looked back up as he carried on walking, now unable to hold back the tears. He'd been searching none stop for twenty four hours and he still hadn't found Edmund.
And what was worse, was that Edmund had been out there for two days. Two whole days. By himself. He didn't need telling that Edmund was in danger, he could tell. He knew that Edmund needed help. He didn't know how, but he just did.
He swallowed thickly as he tightened his grip on his brothers sword. "I'll find you." He whispered. "I promise."
He continued walking, his pace quickly picking up. "Edmund!" He shouted for about the one hundredth time today. "Ed!"
He ran through the woods, looking everywhere. Suddenly he stopped, what if he was going the wrong way? He thought.
Peter looked to his right before nodding to himself and running off in that direction.


Edmund's eyes slowly opened. This trying to stay awake thing was draining what was left of the little energy he had. He sighed, looking around the woods, which was easier said than done, he couldn't exactly see much because of how blury his vision was and he was also lying on his stomach, head on one side.
He frowned slightly though when he saw something. Or rather someone. But who?
This person was looking the other way from where he was. Edmund watched with a frown as the person stopped walking.
"H-" Edmund tried to force the word "help" out of his mouth, but he couldn't.
He watched as whoever it was looked over to their right.
And when they did, he caught a glimpse of the persons face.
His heart skipped a beat. Peter. Edmund took a deep breath.
"P-Pete." He whispered, his voice barely inaudible. "Peter."
He could only watch as Peter nodded to himself and ran off to his right.
Edmund let out a sob as he watched him leave. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he watched Peter get further and further away. "Please." He croaked.
But Peter didn't stop and Edmund could just watch as he disappeared from view.


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