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They were now in  the dressing room where she changed the cloths. Her mother helped her in clothes and jewels to flaunt her unusual beauty. To proclaim her dancing skills,the dressing has to be appropriate. Ammanagavalli already chose her attire. She took a turquoise silk with silver zari works ,began to drape Vasanthika. The blouse was made in a lighter shade of green embroidered with golden peacocks. It was paired with pink linen Uttariya with small golden beads etched on the border to wear over the blouse.Her waist long hair was carefully plaited with flowers inserted in between like a creeper to enhance her figure. It was matched with shining ruby glowing allover her neck,arms ,ears forehead and feet.

The combinations of red,turquoise,pink casted a heavy spell on the onlookers wondering which painter had given a stroke to this painting. Ammangavalli looked at her daughter on whom her stakes are very high before applying kohl and salve on her honey hued skin.

"Dear daughter,go with the blessing of God."

Ammangavalli left the room with Vasanthika sitting in the couch overlooking the fast flowing river Cauvery. She could see the golden tower of Lord's temple built as resplendent as sun.

Vasanthika adored the blue God. He was her soul and an inspiration to dance. Next to Krishna,it was only her Govind. They were known to each other since they were kids.The thought of Govind came before her eyes. Settling at that moment of her solitude,she recalled the figure of Govinda before her eyes. He was a couple of years elder to her in age but his wisdom was very far from her. He had a strong athletic build putting nobleman into shame. He was a  temple priest's only adored son. At a very young age,he was drawn to the tapestries of eastern philosophies concerning Atman and Brahma. Learning came so easily to him.Could pick up any concept just like that. Vasanthika loved to hear him speak.His voice would always send a set of ripples of unnamed pleasure in her spine. Only voice garnered her attention,not the idealization concepts he chose to speak. Vasanthika had to forcibly control her series of sleepy yawns whenever he tried to enlighten her. Anybody who has any premonition about their relationship would definitely struck with intrigue. It was a matter of curiosity for a man like Govind to select emotionally volatile Vasanthika  as a dear friend.

Vasanthika peered at the gathering. It had a decent occupancy. Her eyes searched for Govind  He was not there. It made her quite angry on him.She is known to Govind from their childhood. He is privy to her intimate thoughts encompassing anger, anguish , joy , sadness,hopes dreams. Govind on the other hand patiently listened and kept all her secrets deep within layers of heart. Their relationship was completely soulful, far far different than mundane lovers. She loved him as a friend deeply and he reciprocated it to point of insanity much to abhorrence of Ammanagavalli the famous courtesan. The musicians began to play the melody. Vasanthika made a salute to the Divine and her guru. She stood in her place and slowly began to hear the notes.

The music, soft and gauzy clouds encompasses her feelings. Her expressive eyes rimmed with thick kohl.

It bends her body to its will as she twirls and leaps and finally stops breathless with a signature pose.

At that one moment, just before the magic of music and dance fade away, in the sounds of her breaths she feels the wonder that coiled in her heart. Her eyes caught the glimpses of Kulasekaran. He was standing among the commoners who were allotted a far away place while front rows were reserved for elite.

Vasanthika was struck in wonder. Was it really him? He never seen in the auditorium where the dance and music program used to be performed. His sudden  presence  made Vasanthika's heart bounce out of joy.

Ammanagavalli to be blamed for this. She somehow had teethes on skin to get governor of Srirangam to watch the performance.

Vasanthika never cared for those who were sitting before them. She danced solely for Divine. Deftly she juxtaposed bodily movement with that of complex steps her feet draws. With her long corner eyes,she swept the crowd with side glances to know what he is feeling?

Was he taking any liking for her dance? Will he accept her ? The answer must be yes, since he had come to see her dance. The very thought made her fly above the clouds ,vanishing into swirls of emotions. She turned front to back  to make a complex step ,the music demanded her to compete with it. After a few seconds,she turned back to see him. He was standing there still. Vasanthika caught the trail of his eyes. His eyes were looking at a direction .Vasanthika was not sure about where he was looking. She slowly made a steps towards the other corner allowing her fellow dancers to occupy center stage.

Ammanagavalli, was sharp to notice this. But she did not show any expression outwardly. Vasanthika now looked at him. Her eyes stopped at the scene. Kulasekaran is now talking with another young girl. His countenance manifested a different color of hue. Did he knew the girl before?

Before Vasanthika could think,her feet went drawn towards the center of the stage. Her dance teacher beats the thala. She mechanically began to dance. None but Avarna could notice the  Vasnathika's sudden drop of excitement. She wanted to embrace her sister to assure her. But she could not.

The performance had all sensual intensity to bring out ancient apsaras adorning the land of Indra on the stage. The performance ended with greater applause. The audience predominately occupied by men demanded her to dance some more. Ammanagavalli looked at the governor Nagalingam,who was sitting with his jaw dropped personally ingratiate himself before Vasanthika complimenting her. Vasanthika now looked at the place where Kulasekaran was standing before. Now he is gone. Vasanthika felt the ground becoming shaky.

It was almost four hours past sunset at that time Vasanthika landed in her room. Her stomach was throbbing with pangs of hunger coupled with exhaustion. She tried to shed the heavy jewelries used for the dancing performances. Slowly she removed ear rings,bangles,waistband,anklets and many other fidgety things. Aimlessly she placed them on the chest.

For a moment she glanced at the various gems shining forth under the beam of the moon rays. She recollected words of a seer who preached in the  temple," real ornaments for a hand is action of piety.It would help in this as well as other." Vasanthika thought about those golden words and immediately recoiled her mother's words," Ornaments made of gold,gem stones are the one's which speak about your status." Can her mother's word be true or that of seer. Confused Vasanthika looked at the door.It squeaked

Lavanika her maid came inside with tray of modest meal consisting of rice gruel,fruits and some broth. Lavanika droning some folk song sets up the table for dinner.

"Lavanika, do you know about the girl with whom he was talking?"



Vasanthika could not speak his name.

" You mean that temple warrior."


" Poor his mother. She would die many times if she comes to know that her beloved son visited a Devadasi's dance."

Vasanthika became very agitated at Lavanika's casual comment.

Ïs it a sin to be a temple dancer?" Vasanthika with a crisp voice.

"No Vasanthika, the problem is not with us. It is with the world and its crazy people. And those protocols which these people seriously believe. You know what,these days I sincerely pray Rnagan to knock some senses in these kind of people."

Vasnathika was hurt.


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