Kulasekaran at this time

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"Thud thud thud" came a loud urgent knock from the front door. Vasanthika was staying alone. Ammanangavalli and Avarna were out to visit the temple of Shiva in Jambukeshwara.

Vasanthika first ignored the knock thinking it to be a product of imagination. But the jarring sound made her visit the door. A shrill of fear escaped through her chest. Could it be Nagalingam? The word swept a wave of fear across her chest. Her heart started to thump continuously. Why did she choose to stay? She could have gone with her mother? But she chose not. Her plan was to pay a sneaky visit to the lotus pond. Kulasekaran promised to come. To her ill-luck, he did not come. Returning back on that lone road alone was so terrifying. Thank God Madura came at the right time. She even offered Vasanthika to stop at her house. Again Vasanthika let off that option. It could have been safe to be with Madura. Except for her proud talks, Madura cannot be hated. Just a small village girl with most ambitious dreams. Now sitting alone in a mansion with the moon rising above the sky is nothing less than speaking with a ghost.

The door again began to bang.
"Oh, maybe that ghost who is looking out for devadasis. Gone I am going to die."

She closed her eyes in fear lips murmuring mantra to ward off evil sprit.


"What am I hearing," thought Vasanthika for a moment.
"So it is his plan. Wait for I'm not going to talk to him."

"PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR! It is the order of Senapati Thurandarar*."

Vasanthika wasted no more moment. She took the aid of the temple to open the front door.

She opened the heavily bolted ornamental door.

"Kulasekaran you at this hour."
Aaggh came Kulasekaran rushing inside pushing Vasanthika towards the side.

"Go and check everywhere my men".

His voice hits the crescendo leaving room for echoes emanating from the corners of the room.
The men went around each area of the house. They did not wait for Vasanthika's approval.

"Kulasekaran.... what is happening here?"

"VASAnthika... There are two spies of the Turkish king. They were staying in the choultry imitating common pilgrims. Now they have to be caught. I saw them entering your house."

"My house... no not at all. I would never encourage them." Kulasekaran turned his head towards Vasanthika  placed his hands on her shoulder assuringly

"I know that still, my job is to be done".

"I understand," replied Vasanthika.

By that time the men came towards them.
"Sir they are not here."

"What?" Kulasekaran expressing a surprise.

"Have you seen everywhere?"

"Yes, we did."

Kulasekaran did not speak anything. He closed his eyes for a brief span of a moment.

"Alright, let's move. We will go to the banks of Kaveri."

Saying so he whisked away from those men.

Vasanthika stood like a statue. She could not understand anything properly.

"He came like a wind and disappeared like a mist," chuckled Vasanthika. She bolted the door thinking about those spies. She should have asked for more description. Somewhere down her heart, she could hear her mind saying that Ramdev( Fiyaz) might be that spy. But he was so good. He fought with Nagalingam taking her side. Can he be a spy? No spies won't mingle with the people more than it is warranted.

She turned back with her mind flooded with thoughts. She could see a figure standing blocking her way.

"Agh, you," exclaimed Vasanthika crossing her arms across the chest. Her lips curled mischievously. It was Kulasekaran.

"How did you manage to come?"

He pointed his index finger towards the open window.
" agh, I forgot," she beat her forehead louder.

"It is carelessness on your part Vasanthika" he chided.

" You are alone. You should be alert."
"I'm sorry", Vasanthika lowered her eyes.

Vasanthika moves her head a little closer to Kulasekaran's. He stares at her frozen. Both fear and excitement ran across his body. She slightly stands on toes and leans in, so her foreheads rest against his. They now close their eyes. They can feel their breaths shaking. 

"Thank you," she whispers.
"For what?" He replies, his voice low and husky.
"For coming here." 

Her voice wavers, She gently kisses his warms lips. They pull apart quickly. Both take shallow breaths. Unable to contain themselves anymore, Kulasekaran holds her head in his hands and pulls her into a fiery and passionate kiss. The world fell away. 

He embraced her tightly. That one moment was like eternity. The comfort his chest provided was beyond anything. Standing still in that position she could smell his sweat. The sweat indicating his hard work and commitment to the temple and people would put the precious perfumes and scented oils to shame.

He carefully separated her from him. It was a painful moment. He had not kept his word. He had promised to meet her at dusk. But Sundarabahu called an emergency meeting. There were two spies living right under their nose, they could catch him.

"Be careful," saying so he vanished.

Vasanthika saw him sliding through the streets. The lamps were shining bright.


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