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GOVINDA often felt his clan somewhat overdone, clunging to some archaic past and glory. The routines they followed and ceremonies they observed on the slightest of occasions were not well received by Govinda.He questioned each and every rituals

Everything was Garish was his view. His ways questioning very fabric of social hierarchy often invited glares. Being a son of an orthodox father,he chose a path of sculpture and fine arts  inviting grimaces and anger. But for his affectionate parents,other always thought him to be a blot in the sheet of paper.

Govinda gave damn to their views.But this does not make him someone who hates the Lord. He loves him as much as other devotees do. He worships great learned acharyas of both Advaita and VashisthaAdvaita.

He had been to far away places to learn the intricate details of sculpturing and various forms of arts.

After getting the proficiency, he came back only to establish a school of sculpture and arts against the protocols of his clan. It was his dream.The art house named Vipanchi, was seated across the other end of the river Kaveri with far fetched reputation.He said to have taught arts to RajaNandini the Hosyala princess. Under direct patornage of Hosyals,the school now boasts a population over 200 young artists under the tutelage of Govinda.

The school set in a majestic background  surrounded by lush green fields.

Upon entering the main door made up of finest wood,there was large hall flanked by artistic pillars with intricate carvings on its rectangular sides. The walls behind these pillars had paintings inspired from famous Ellora caves.

On the opposite sides there were many rooms acting like class with teacher giving the notes to the students. The students were aged between 13 to 17 years. They were holding the pin and hammer to refine their thought into reality. The sounds produced from their hands echoed all over the rooms which would revel any true art admirer.

Suddenly there came a tinkle sound of the anklets chiming in sinuous with the drums from the adjacent hallway. The students for the moment stopped their work in hand ,drowning in the beats of the anklets.

There was also a mild perfume of flowers emerging from the room. They reveled that very mild smell of aroma. Soon they made gestures that she had come. It was Vasanthika.

Vasanthika, the finest danseuse his childhood friend was now working with him for a series of sculptures  that would demand finest expression of a damsel. She happily accepted the offer as a token of friendship. Govinda,now took the Mridanga and began to beat with a series of Talaas. He motioned Vasanthika to start dancing. Vasanthika was a born dancer. She was never apprehensive about her skills when it came to produce. She properly gave invocation to Nataraja who was also present in his Idol form. Vasanthika danced twisting and twirling her legs.

Suddenly GOvinda asked her to stop. With hands near eyes ,one leg seated in ground while other swayed in air. Govinda began to sculpt. Vasanthika froze in the posture till Govinda would complete.

After an hour,she finally released from her position.

" The creator has made you peerless with regards to beauty and dance." The sincerity in his words touched Vasanthika.He continued,"Like Ahalya of yore."

"You mean,the unfortunate one who was cursed to turn into stone Govinda." She stopped,"For passion?"

"Come on, Men will be mad with one look of yours. " with a chuckle Govinda added.

"But Govinda,they think that I am suitable to be dealt only in privy of night. Not during the broad daylight." She became very sorrow.Her face dropped. 

"Not all" he urgently collected the words.

"  Govinda,Have you forgotten? I am a devadasi. And no men will agree to marry me. Who will dare to break the protocol firmly set in the minds of people?"She stopped,

"I don't care about any of these men, Govinda. It does not make any sense.All these men evaluate me as a breeding animal with breasts only to suckle their children." SHe sat in the marbled floor with bent knees. Hair dropping from her long coil lashing the ground.

"Are you sure Vasanthika,there is not a single man who would love you with reverence,One who could fulfill your dreams and protect you till death." 

Vasanthika could not differentiate what he tried to say. Was there any thing he would like to convey? Has he is opening his mind to her? Was there was any levity in his proposal? 

He clucked his tongue. He came forward and took her hand. He made a smile. Vasanthika understood he is making fun. Suddenly he became grave and sober.

" I know Vasanthika,you have found your heart. You must know that I care immeasurably for your welfare. But my dear friend, remember it is always wiser to create a liaison based on love and understanding rather than passion and intrigue"

"You mean Kulasekaran..." No you are mistaken. He is a gem of a man."

Govinda gazed at her innocence for a moment. He drew in his breath.

" Vasanthika, you may never win his heart.He has his heart set on other."

Staring at Vasanthika," Hemalekha of Jambukeshwaram. He does not crave for your expressions rather seeks Knowledge. That is in abundance with Hemalekha."


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