Divine Bridegroom

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"I am the granddaughter of  Vaidya named Aprameyar," mellowed Maduraveni tittering like a frightened bird. Her hands were shivering due to fear or chillness.

Kulasekaran immediately recognized Aprameyar a well-known physician in the Pandya region whom he had visited many times earlier.

"Are you a granddaughter of Aprameyar?"

"You are right sir."

"What are you doing in this crude jungle."

"We have been attacked by decoits and my grandfather is wounded. I came in searching for help."

Realizing the importance of each and every minute, Kulasekaran hurried to the place where Aprameyar was lying in pain. Quickly he took the old man in the horseback began to move towards the town. Madura too followed Kulasekaran. Now she was not in a state of fear. After a quarter of an hour, Kulasekaran reached the Adura salai(hospital).

He shouted for help before the door. the door cracked open and he could hear sounds of anklets. It was Vasanthika. She was at that hour to service the patients. There was custom in those days that devadasis apart from nurturing music and dance, they have to serve the ill. They were trained in medicines and herbs. They were knowledged enough to attend the critically ill patient in absence of a doctor.

Seeing a patient in the horse, Vasanthika sprang into action. In no time the old man was laid in the bed and she began to dress his wound. Her close friend Radhika was there to prepare a decoction. They made Aprameyar drink the contents. Soon he fell into sleep. Madura was sitting near the bed.

"Vasanthika," whispered Kulasekaran. "They are coming from Madurai. Please take care of them. I am going to inform Sundarabahu about the highway atrocities of the robbers."

"You don't worry about them, sir."

The word sir from the side of Vasanthika was not welcome for Kulasekaran. The reason he did not know clearly. Anyway, he chose not to speak further. Slowly he came outside.

 Why what is happening to him? So many unnamed emotions he had felt today. Did he become a stud? He paused, "No I am not a playboy. Had I been, I would have felt same for Madura. She is a very different kind of beautiful woman similar to Vanamohini. But I did not feel anything for her sultry beauty. Beauty is not my need.  But why I feel completely lost before Hemalekha and Vasanthika. Can I fall in love twice? How can it be love if it happens twice? NO, But what it is? Who can explain it to me? Maybe Kuralan. He is my true friend since my childhood.


Aprameyar was a famous physician in the regions of Madurai. Not only medicine, but Aprameyar was also well versed in tantric rituals and capable of driving many ferocious forms of ghosts, goblins, and Vampire. The old man can create fear in the mind of even the most powerful ghosts. The old man in spite of all his talent was not money minded. This made him very famous in common people. They respect him and love him. The only thing Aprameyar is fond of is his only one granddaughter Maduraveni. She is the meaning of his life. After Aprameya's only son and daughter in law died in a boat accident, the old man lost interest in life but for his granddaughter who was just a month old at that time.

He made sure that Madura is happy always and to bring a smile in her face, Aprameyar can do anything putting behind all the reasoning of good and bad. When she was around age five, grandfather used to say all the exploits of Lord Krishna. Since then she developed a kind of love for Lord. When asked by Madura, Aprameyar said Lord Krishna lives in Madurai as Azagar.

"Azagar can I see him?" asked Madura with all curiosity of a child.

"Yes my darling, he rides a white horse and roams in the wilderness of the forest," remarked Aprameyar casually without understanding the implications. He never thought that this would change the life course of his granddaughter.

From that day Madura was frantically searching for Azagar in the forests of Madurai where her grandfather dwelt. She used to rise early in the morning and wait near the shores of Vaigai to catch the glimpse of Lord. When reached puberty, she openly said to her grandfather that she wishes to marry lord like Andal.

Grandfather was not shaken. But said to her that her horoscope says something otherwise. 

" Dear Madura, after reading your charts, you are not going to marry Lord." He paused," You may marry a prince and carry heir to the throne." He stopped to carefully study the expression of his Madura. She was very calm as though the news did not shake her. He knows how she desperately wanted to marry Lord. Aprameyar thought Madura would be unhappy knowing her future. Contrarily her face was as calm as ocean.

" Can I trust your prediction grandfather?"

"What do you mean by trust?"

"Are you sure about my  future role as a queen."

Now Aprameyar could understand his granddaughter. He could see another facet of Madura. It is a blend of desire and greed for wealth.

" What about marrying Lord?" asked Aprameyar with a small tinge of hate.

" Can a mortal marry Lord grandfather?" came the reply. Madura chose to ignore the change of expression of her grandfather.

Madura at present lost her mind to the handsome man in the jungle. Would he be the lord? she thought. Maybe he was sent by the lord. His face indicates that he is of royal lineage. How can a horoscope be wrong? No. After a minute, but he was plainly dressed and Srirangam is not an independent kingdom. It comes under the region of Pandyas. So in all possibilities Kulasekaran cannot be a prince. He must be a commoner. In that case, he can never be hers. She was tensed.

"What if he is not a prince? I can make him a king of a small province, hence my grandfather's prophecy is not falsified! I know my grandfather can do it! he will do anything for me. He can convince the great king and get a piece of land. After all my grandfather is been serving the king for many years without demanding anything.

Now sitting in the hospital seeing Vasanthika tending to grandfather, she felt some kind of jealousy towards Vasanthika. How did he know her name? I heard Srirangam temple has many many devadasis. It is not possible to know each and everybody personally. Can she be his love? "Nobody marries Devadasis!" she let out a deep breath of relief.

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