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In the shade of tall banyan trees, stood Sundarabahu looking at the lone stallion that appeared out of nowhere near the banks of Kaveri. He lept a few steps near the beast. His eyes glanced briefly for a moment. Turning to Kulasekaran,"Looks like it belongs to the land of Pandyas." Seeing a wave of relief across Kulasekaran, Sundarabahu gave a small smile.

" My goodness, I thought it belonged to Delhi people."

"Nah my boy, that mark of burns would be different than this. This is not exactly burning but some kind of tattoo. I have seen this in royal stables of Veera Pandya. But last not the least, what happened to its master?"

" It is a clear case of highway robbery sir. These days forest is inhabited with not less than three groups of robbers sparing no one alive."

"You are right, Kulasekaran. This horse surely belongs to a higher noble or so. A poor man would have lost his life. The horse might have run away from the forest making inroads towards our island."

Sundarabahu thought for a while. " Kulasekaran, I think we have to increase the security of night time. Looks like law and order situations are becoming so bad day by day. I want you to guard the night near these banks. Let Panchundan Nambi come from Warangal. Then If needed we may increase the blanket of security. Days are going to be very tedious, my boy."

"Sir, Panchundan Nambi?"

"Oh, you have not met him, right? He is our chief security officer. Panchundan Nambi is the defense minister of our city. "

Seeing the pride in the tone of his superior, Kulasekaran could understand the talent of the Panjundan Nambi.he could feel a wave of thrill cutting across his spine thinking about the opportunity to work under the illustrious persons like Panjundan and Sundarabahu. Sundarabahu patted Kulasekaran affectionately and they left the place.

It was night. Kulasekaran stepped outside his house. The temple bell rang across the tower indicating it was past 10 in the night. He could have kept a few steps in the street, he could listen to a sweet voice waffling through the air in the night. His eyes grew a little wide as the voice is familiar to him. The voice was so melodious to hear. He felt his energy lifted up. How much he missed the unique compelling emotional timbre of the voice.

Anbe thagaliya, Arvame neiyaga,
Inburu sinthai Idu thiriya,
Nanburugi, Gnanachudar villaketrinen, Naranarke,
Gnanath Thamizh purintha nan."

" love the holding vessel, my sincerity as the very ghee that sustains the lamp,
As the happy mind the lead  the light,
Bowed down by affection do I light this lamp,
I who sing hymns of enlightenment. "

He sat near the door, drinking the wise words dripping in love for Lord. He looked through the cracks of the door to catch the glimpse of the voice. It was Hemalekha. His heart nearly skipped a beat. He was surprised at his own self for feeling immense joy on merely feeling that he is near Hemalekha whom he has met many days ago. What exactly happening to him? is it love? No, it cannot be love. 

"I have yet to fathom why this kind of emotion swirls through him. Was it because she is beautiful? No, I have seen many beautiful girls apart from her. But all those had no depth of knowledge like this Hemalekha.

The loud bang on the road brought his senses. He quickly galloped the horse began to ride towards the river. As he crossed the settlement of the city, the silver moon was direct across his head giving off the only light, apart from the lampposts whose rays almost faded away in the darkness. The gloom of the night crept into him like the damp into bare timber. It seeped into his pores, traveling to his heart which beat more morosely. Even the hoots of an owl came to him as if from a deep well rather than high in the trees. From the blackness came noise. At first, Kulasekaran brushed off the voice to be some stray dogs.

The sound of anklets juggling emerged from the backdrop of the forest, at first it was distant, too far away. He chose to ignore it. But now after a few moments, it came steadily closer and all the while becoming more intense, more distressed until it was undeniably near him. He stopped to turn around. 

He could see the pale distant silhouette of a woman. At first, he thought he was hallucinating due to his disturbed sleep for the past couple of days. He continued his journey forward. He turned once again to see the figure. Now the apparition was more than a distortion of the light, Where it moved the things behind it appeared bowed. He narrowed his eyes and observed. Then as quickly as the figure came, it left a foot impression in the fall mud. Now he was sure, it was a woman.

"Who is that?" he yelled waving his hands. He didn't just raise his voice, his body muscles tensed indicating he was ready for maximum impact if he needed to show his force. 

"I am Madhuraveni." the voice shivered in fear.

The voice was very meek indicating she is in distress. This softened Kulasekaran for a moment.

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