Veera Ballala 3

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Govinda and Hemalekha have married each other in a very secret ceremony a couple of months ago. Both were not very happy with the choice of life partner their parents chose for them. Yet they decided to do all possible ways to make the relationship a success. Govinda as everybody knows worked as a sculptor in the city of Srirangam. 

Everybody adored his craftmanship. VenkateshaYajwa chose Govinda as his bridegroom not for his profession but for his closeness with the King of Hoysala. Yes, Govinda was the chief of espionage of Hoysala. This secret is unknown to anybody except Hemalekha's father as he himself serves Hosyalas. The marriage of Hemalekha and Govinda was a kind of direction given to them by King of Hosyalas to make everybody not raise their doubts about Govinda's plan to shift his residence to Thiruvannamalai. Yes, he was needed by Hosyalas to protect their territory. So under the pretext of working in the Palace of Veerabalala , Govinda made a quick exit fro Srirangam.

Hemalekha too accompanied Govinda with an aim to support all his endeavors. On the day they reached Thiruvannamalai King invited them to the palace. They were getting ready to meet the king.

Hemalekha who was dressed simply looked at the large size mirror to evaluate her make up skills. Suddenly she could see a pair of eyes popping out from the back. It was Govinda. She turned back for his approval. Govinda simply smiled and nodded his head. Hemalekha's face fell.

"What kind of man is he? Can't he at least say how I am looking?" Hemalekha turned around her back

"Arya, Am I looking good?"

Govind smiled. He looked at her from head to toe. Her dressing was very simple but it had a regal look.  Her face was glowing with a serenity. Though she may not look very glamourous, she was very pretty in her own sense. He wanted to say a few good words but at that moment he could hear the door open. 

" Sir, the carriage is waiting for you."

Govinda nodded his head. He looked at Hemalekha gesturing her to follow him. Hemalekha's face fell down. Her little heart broke into many pieces. Govind was aware of her heart. He helped her get inside the carriage sent to him by the king. As the beast was whisked away in the streets of Thiruvannamalai, Hemalekha lost herself in the splendid temple of Arunachaleshawara. There were many people roaming here and there bedecked with silk and gold. She could see how intricate were the planning of the city surrounded by the big fortified wall. The water tanks were interconnected so that none of the raindrops could be wasted. 

There was a sudden gush of cool wind. Hemalekha turned her face and noticed Govind all the way of looking at her.

"You are looking very pretty," hushed Govinda. He was not surprised to see a hue of crimson appearing in the cheeks of Hemalekha. 


VeeraBallala 3 aged around sixty a man with an iron heart. He is a well able administrator and patron of arts. More than that he is a great devotee of Lord Shiva. For that reason, he used Thiruvanamalai as his second capital after DwaraSamudra. After the invasion of Malik Kafur in 1311 AD, he always preferred to stay in Thiruvanamalai. People worship him. They respect him more and see him as a God-sent person. He is always available for them. He takes care of every single need of his subjects. In spite of all these things, he is not very happy. He is childless and that leads to his major worry. He is desperate of a son. He had taken many wives, but all were infertile to produce a child. Struck with unquenchable thirst of son, he these days started to believe Shambavi the Kapalika.

King was seated in his upholstered couch with his eyes closed His queens were standing around him with anxiety for they are unable to fulfill his wish. That made their life terrible as he is not visiting them at all. They were called that day because Shambavi was about to visit the palace for consultation of possible remedies for the advent of a son.

The palace was very quiet. The birds were making mumbled son at a distance. Veerabalala was profusely sweating. He took the help of his angavastra to dispel the sweats. They could now hear the treads outside the room.

"Shambavi Devi has come", exclaimed the King.

The queens looked at each other as VeeraBalala rose from his seat. 

"Jai Ma Chandika! Jai Ma Kalika", greeted Shambavi looking at the king. King walked towards the entrance of the room with folded hands. Shambavi smirked at the King.

He made her sit in his own chair. The chief queen brought the golden vessel and plate. The king placed the plate below the chair. Shambavi stumped the plate hard. Queens shuddered to look at Shambavi. King washed her feet with water from the golden pot. He wiped them dry with his angavastra.

"Long live Veera," blessed Shambavi by raising her hand.

"I don't want to live Devi. I want to become a recluse."

" A monk in the attire of King..." laughed Shambavi loud.

"Devi, please stop teasing me. Is it because I am unable to beget a son? Is it because a commoner can easily give birth to sons but these queens of mine are barren?"

Shambavi looked at the king," blame your own choices my King, not the king." Neither VeeraBalala nor his queen could decipher her words.

"Pardon me, Devi. I cannot understand any single word you spoke."

Shambavi leaned forward turning to the queens, in an imperious tone" Go away from here you an unholy lot."

Once they evacuated, Shambavi gave brusque orders for the waiting maids. She glanced the room pressing her lips tight.

"Marry a new queen who will beget you a son."

"Who? Princess of Warangal or Chera?"

" A Pandya princess you fool. Two birds in one arrow." Shambavi smiled sardonically.

"Should I send messengers to Madurai?"

"No, not all! send your best-built men to the town of Srirangam and fetch"

" A devadasi," said King in a confused tone.


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