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That man's eyes flicked at the spot near the banyan tree fringing the southern bank of the river Cauvery. He became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time. He leapt towards the place where he could see an shining object. It was a piece of anklet.

"Of merciful Lord." He chuckled through his chappy lips broken with water-filled blisters. His eyes were red-rimmed and heavy-lidded.

He grabbed it tucked safely inside the pleats of his lower robe. Soon he reached the goldsmith at the market square to inquire about the jewel he chanced to lay his hand upon. The women and children felt a slight case of jitter at his countenance.

"Nagalingam," they whispered with fear.

Nagalingam was a son of a universally respected scholar Swamy of Warangal, for his unflinching ability to win over any intellectual debate. Despite being born into a learned family, Nagalingam is a brat. Nearly half of his life spent in debauch. He was short in height and dark skin totally in contrast to his forebearers. For his part, he always had a great dislike for the scriptures and tried to remain aloof. His father breathed his last seeing Nagalingam as a loafer, idling away the time.  Nagalingam was by any reckoning, a man who revealed nothing, saw much and a master of his will. For some time he had been a young man with no more of an identity than being the son of Sama until he spent all his father's hard-earned money and reputation. Driven by extreme hunger for power and money, he became to look for various avenue to become rich. At that time, he somehow managed to earn the respect of a landlord Karna ( an influential person in Pandya's court) known for philandering.

" Hey Sukaramji, how much this anklet can earn." Nagalingam spoke to the goldsmith. The goldsmith splited the tobacco he was chewing for sometime took the piece of frippery from Nagalingam's hand. He looked at the anklet in the shade of lamp.

" Arrey Nagalingam ji, this anklet will fetch you."

" How many gold ?" Nagalingam inquired impatiently

" Why limit with gold. This piece will definitely grant you a square room."

Nagalingam looked at Sukaram.He paused," A place in the central prison.This belongs to this young woman.

Nagalingam turned his eyes towards the direction of Sukaram's hand. There he could see Vasanthika standing impatiently for the anklet.He could understand Vasanthika had lost her anklet near the river during morning bath. After much thought she had come to the Sukaram for getting another gold anklet. Nagalingam studied lovely Vasanthika with the smugness of the slave owner.

Before he could ingratiate himself with Vasanthika, she left the place. Nagalingam looked at the distant Vasanthika. She was walking with a proud gait of a young lioness. She stopped at the sight of another man. That man did not care to look at her face.  She was seems to be very angry at that handsome young man. The chap was now shouting at Vasanthika. The headstrong Vasnathika was giving her own shots. Only then Nagalingam did marvel at the sultry beauty of Vasanthika.

"Looks like I have to keep my own bad thoughts at bay." Nagalingam thought ruefully The diamond ring on his right hand caught the sunlight.Sukaram blinked with a disgust.

"Sukaram ji, can a devadasi inflame a man. I know they are trained in erotic arts." Nagalingam asked unaware of Sukaram's loathe for a pimp like him.

" A celibate devadasi. The devadasis honour the God.They conquer senses to surrender the Lord." Sukaram paused," They worship Lord through dance and music."

" Well,Sukaram we can make her religious vows void if she crosses the region.Öne look, Karna my master would surrender everything to her. I would be rewarded ransomely."

Resenting Nagalingam's show of blatant self centered thinking, Sukaram thought for a while.

"Go get her then," Sukaram said curtly "Right before that man leaves. At any cases,I think she would be in his pocession."

Wasting no time, Nagalingam went near the pair. He introduced himself more to Kulasekaran. Ignoring the looks of Vasanthika,Nagalingam boasted about the prospects of fortune Kulasekaran might earn with sending Vasanthika. Sukaram was watching the scene unfolding with a curiousity.He was sure,Nagalingam would either loose ear or eyes or both for being a hard core misogynist.

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