Chapter 1

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It was like any other night , Sudha was really tired and fell asleep as she landed on the bed. The atmosphere was very silent with distant hooting of the owl. The stars were dim that night and the room was very hot. Sudha was sweating profusely. She had a terrible experience that evening. 

Sudha was walking towards the well in the outskirts of the village to fetch a pot of water. The usual crowd was absent. Sudha got a bit scared in the isolated part of the village. Have all the people in the village went away? How could a place be so desolated? With so many thoughts she immersed her pot inside the well. The pot took a longer time to hit the bottom of the well. Sudha was using her hands to pull the rope and draw the water. 

"Awwww", She dropped the rope. Not even a word escaped through her mouth. Her eyes were wide with fear. She ran towards the house. She did not speak anything to her mother. Quickly the night fell, she went to bed. She woke up in the middle of the night with a jumpstart. She was facing the opposite wall.

 Sudha felt a strange sensation like somebody was watching her. She turned around and saw a woman standing outside the window.

 Words cannot describe the feeling of fear that came over Sudha. She was staring straight at Sudha, a trickle of cold sweat ran down her body. The woman was wearing a white saree, Sudha could not make out the features above her chest area as the lady's face was covered with thorn-like hair. Sudha turned around and wrapped her blanket around her head,got into a fetus position. She was sweating heavily gasping for fresh air. Sudha could feel the figure standing near her inside the room. "Ghost can penetrate through the wall", she thought herself. Sudha could feel her blankets being pulled away. 

"Awww skeletons ....... No please" Sudha screamed.

The next morning Sudha was dead." run the hands fast," bellowed Ammanagavalli to her cart driver. The driver whisked the beast with a whiplash. 

"We have to reach the village by afternoon. At this rate we can hardly make Vasanthika," says Ammanagavalli with a bit of irritation. Vasanthika looked at her mother worried. The news shattered their home recently. Death of Sudha was a blow to her family. Sudha was her cousin and was about to be consecrated as a devadasi to Jambukeshawara temple next month. Ammanagavalli got very frightened. There was a reason for her anxiety. These days devadasis were getting possessed by ghosts. There were numerous sightings of a woman with thorn-like hair looking out for devadasis. Some say she is a sorceress looking for blood to please the demonic forces while some claim that she is Amritha a devadasi who was murdered by another angry devadasi jealous of Amritha marrying her love. Looks like Amritha now comes to seek revenge on her murderer by killing all devadasis.

Ammangavalli Vasanthika is now heading towards the village to meet grieving Sudha's family. The wagon cart is now meandering towards the village.

"Ramu, drive soon."

"I am doing my level best, madam. But the cart is not moving. I think something is wrong with our bulls. I suspect they are stopped by spirits."

"Do not speak inauspicious words Ramu drive fast."

Ramu pulled the strings of the beasts. He took his whip and gave a tight slap on their back. The bullocks cried in pain and dragged the cart.

Part 2

Kulasekaran was sitting in his house. His mother Vanamadevi was visiting her distant relative in a nearby village. She would not be in a house for a few days. His mind was not in peace. These days he has been running a coarse of a bad spell. Some goons came to his house in absence of Kulasekaran and involved in a fight with his mother. They threatened his mother to stay away from Hemalekha. Vanamadevi became so agitated with that incident. She curtly asked Kulasekaran to stop meeting Hemalekha.

"Amma, Hemalekha is a scholar. I was desirous of reading Sanskrit from her. And she gladly helped me in learning. What is wrong with that?"

"Reading Sanskrit at this age son?" Vanamadevi stopped," Then why this much drama happening around you both. See the whole city is gossiping."

"Let them talk Amma. What better they can do?"

"Smoke does not come without fire my son."

 " Maybe true, but in our case, someone is trying to create a cloud of smoke. I know that person?"

He stopped. " Cant a boy and girl be just friends without any materialistic intentions?"

"Kulasekaran are you out of mind? please bundle these kinds of revolutionary ideas from your mind. You cannot break the age-old traditions. And I do not support these crazy ideas. Throw all the books and get back to work. First that devadasi and this scholar. I wonder why all the witches come behind you."

"Amma stop speaking rudely. Vasnathika and Hemalekha are good and noble."

"Whatever is the case. As long as they do not marry you, we are saved."

"Amma please."

"Why did you slap Madura ? She is from a good family and a kind-hearted girl."

"Madura is a venom. There is a darkness in her soul Amma."

"How do you know son? She is an open natured girl, speaks straight from her heart."

"I had to slap her. She was throwing slanders on Hemalekha that day. I got angry. She went to Hemalekha's father and was accusing Hemalekha's upbringing. Her father became very angry and locked her in the room. He has stopped Hemalekha from stepping out of her house. Subramani told kuralan."

" She has done well. Why should a girl carry books and roam across the streets? cant she sits in the house and waits till her marriage is fixed?"

"Then what about Madura? is she a good girl? a jealous creature! this is what you call as a good upbringing."

Kulasekaran sprang from his seat and dressed. He had to patrol the night. Vanamadevi looked at her son. She knew he was slipping away from her hand. 

"I will get you married to Madura." she spoke to herself.

Part 3

Kulasekaran was galloping in his horse towards the forests. He had to watch over the woods to prevent any intruders from entering the city. Also, there were many complaints about the dacoits who were looting the pilgrims. So he asked a group of his team to stand in the fringes of the forest.

On the way, he could see different trails in the mud. 

"A cart's mark. It has been out of  control."

After a few steps. He could see Ramu and Ammangavalli lying in pool of blood.  They were been hurt. Entrusting his men to take them to the doctor. 

"Vasanthika is in the cart," murmured  Amanagavalli.

Kulasekaran looked at the pond sides of the road. He could see cart toppled upside down. Without waiting for any help,he jumped inside the water.

He swam swiftly across the waters. He could see Vasnathika lying unconsciously. He pulled her from the water. Carrying her in shoulders,he came back to the bank. 

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