Entry of Kapalika

47 10 4

On outskirts of forest near DwaraSamudra

Hoysala kingdom

A man with a covered face galloped very fast across the dimly lighted streets of Dwarasamudra. His horse galloped alone accompanying a penetrating coolness trickle above him due to sudden drop in temperature. The man did not notice the flamboyant mansions that were situated on the either side of the road. There were many dancing girls sanding in the balcony of those mansions enjoying the chillness of the night. They were happily chi chatting among themselves. Their talks were disturbed by the thundering hooves of the rider. Seeing a man in a strange veil made them surprised. Soon they began to cast their lovely glances accentuated by the smile on the lone rider.  Neither enchanting girls nor their smiles had any impact on him.

He was keen on staring gravely towards the advancing mare, its blue roan coat matching the thick horizon. His ears pricked, as the horse moved swiftly, powerful limbs tearing into the earth. Knuckles white, as he clenches them against the jarring wind. Soon he reached the crossroad. He stopped the horse and took a sharp turn in one of the roads. The horseman now disappeared into the thick dark lane leading its way towards the tall thick forests.

The leather reins rubbed soon-to-be blisters between his fingers. He knew he should have grabbed his gloves before the journey. 

The horse beneath him was just as done as he was, his neck was lathered in thick sweat, curling the short, stiff hairs of his summer coat. 

He gave him a pat on the neck and picked up the reins - trotting off. His mane bounced with his stride. He shifted his weight to his outside hip digging his heel into the horse's right side. The stallion now picked up the lead in perfect rhythm, tucking his head in and bounding towards the destination.

The jungle folded around them like it was taking possession of them. Leafy arms fell over the way horse would come and blocked his motion in every direction. The sweet jungle fragrance was almost cloying. Moving between the dense vegetation was nothing like walking through the city. From every direction came the hums and chirps of insects, the song of birds and the calls of mammals. His hands took the heft of the sword deftly cleared the creepers and leaves. The horse now galloped majestically as the path was getting clearer. The moon passes through any miniature hole it can reach to illuminate the path as if it is trying to help the rider.

He left a trail that had been created by the swift cutting of branches and leaves. The path halted and a cave appeared. It was obscured by bushes and fallen rocks and sloped high into the valley. Ivy wound round the cave and concealed the entrance that was a jagged opening. The rider jumped off from the mane. He kissed his beast a kiss and spoke words of comfort.

"We made it, Chetak," he whispered as he rubbed the head of the horse. Chetak neighed cheerfully."

It was a cave mouth of impenetrable blackness that did not scare him. He entered it. He could see a dwarf waiting for him with a lighted torch.In the cave, the only sound that met them was their own echoing footsteps coupled with distant dripping of water.

"Devi Shambavi?"

"She has risen from the tapas sir"

The hoarse voice of the dwarf made the bats disturbed and began to fly here and there. The Dwarf illuminated the path that was small, loose stones littered the floor. Dwarf shone the beam of his torch ahead and the corridor came into view.

"Looks like Devi has tried her skills on engineering too." He spoke to the Dwarf. 

"The blood of Hoysalas, there is no room for surprise. They all are gifted sculptors.

The corridor was built into the muddy brown rock of the cliff, the stone guarding it was even, arranged in such a way, that it would be difficult for passers-by to spot. Inside the beam of the torch was enveloped and lost in the blackness, they had to move around by following the damp wall of the cave with their hands. All of a sudden, flaming torches sparked to life, lighting up the tunnel ahead and bathing the entire cavern in a flickering orange glow.

"Sharangadeva" came a thundering voice 

The man bowed before a silhouette of a figure. Soon the light of the torch fell over the figure. It was a female Kapalika. She wore a long black gown like a dress. There was a garland of skulls around her neck and face was smeared with holy ash. The eyes were smeared with kohl and a blood-red tilak was on her forehead. 

"Devi Kapalini ki Jay."

She raised her hand to stop. Gesturing him to follow her. She took them before the altar of Mahakali. There was an idol of the supreme goddess. The iconographic image shows each hand carrying variously a trident, a severed head and a skull-cup catching the blood of the severed head. Her eyes were red in absolute rage, Her hair is disheveled Her tongue is lolling. She has a garland of skulls of various demons she had slaughtered.

"Have you found her" Shambavi as she picked the flowers and decorated the feet of Kali.

"Yes, evi."

"Tell me about her."

"Her name is Vasanthika,now a Devadasi."

Shambavi dropped the bowl of vermillion. She cried silently murmuring intangible words.

"Charu," she cried looking at the

Sharangadeva and Dwarf looked at Shambavi. The mere utterance of her name would invoke fear in the minds of people. The children would stop crying if their mothers invoked the name of Shambavi. Is that Shambavi is prone to normal human emotions?

"Has she lost her" Shambavi clicked her tongue.

"No Devi Shambavi."

"What about that Advaita scholar?"

"Venkatesha Yajva now resides in Jambukeshawara along with his daughter Hemalekha."

"Very Good It is a ry interesting Sharangadeva. That old man is living near his children? "

"Can I bring them here?"

"No, will come there soon. I have some old scores to settle with Venkatesha Yajva. The time has arrived"

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