Lotus Pond

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It was mid-noon, sun was shining bright. There was a mild wave of heat emanating from the sky making the earth warmer. Vasanthika stepped out of her house. She looked at the sky,it was calm and clear after a month-long rain. 

"thank god, today it is sunny." she murmured to herself.  She was about to close the main door

"Where are you going Vasanthika?"It was Ammanagavalli.

"To visit the bangle shop," she shouted.

"Take care Vasanthika, come before sunset."

The searing heat from the sun was the only entity presence, Vasanthika noticed. "It's just a bright, gaudy sun stationed at the sea of blue", Vasanthika thought for a while " Looks like it "has got some vengeance on me."

Vasanthika was looking at her hands and trying to adjust her bangles.  There was a crossroad lying in her way. Suddenly she bumped into a man and fell down on the street.

"Amma", Vasanthika cried loudly.

The man must have been in a  hurry. The man stopped and turned around. Seeing a lovely girl who was pushed to the nd by his hastiness, he came back to her. Led a helping hand.

Vasanthika did not give her hand, "Thank you, sir."

She stood and looked at her dress. It was now covered with street dust, Oh! my dress is ruined. Amma is going to shout." Suddenly she realized that the man was still standing and looking at her. She lifted her head and found he was staring.

"Are you new to this place?" She asked

The man collected himself," Yes my lady. I am a visitor coming from Delhi."

"Delhi?" astonished Vasanthika

The man clicked his tongue for the mistake," No my lady I am from a village near Dwarasamdura."

"Again you are saying an enemy's name."

The man had a confused look," I can understand that Delhi is an enemy for you,  but I don't understand the logic behind your animosity with Hosyalas?"

 "No No sir, nobody is our enemy. But the problem is they think we are their enemy. And wherever you have gold, the trouble follows. Hurry up, the temple will close soon." Without waiting for his reply, Vasanthika began to take her heels.

The man looked at her for some time. A small smile escaped his lips. He adjusted his turban and beards. began to move towards a choultry where he was staying.


In the blinding light of the afternoon, the pond is like a semi-molten mirror. Vasanthika can feel its coolness even before she flicks its water with my hand, sending droplets scattering over the surface like rain. 

Its depth is deceptive, mostly because it is as clear as a mountain spring. Every rounded stone on the bottom, every fish, is rendered in perfect clarity. There were few blossoms of lotus dancing to the tunes of wild wind. She could see Kulasekaran sitting on a stone on the other side. She tiptoed behind him and covered his eyes with her long slender fingers.

"You are late," he reminded her.

"Sorry, I had an accident."

"An accident? how?"

" An eager devotee struck me to ground. You see he must be really late. It looks like he had come from very far. His features are so new to me. He says Hosyalas but I have not seen any Hosyalas so tall."

"Hosyalas! interesting maybe he is a spy Vasanthika." Kulasekaran got serious.

"A spy, no I don't think so dear. Why would a spy roam in broad daylight? They are a sneaky lot. Even shadows cannot follow them."

"Not bad Vasanthika, you seemed to know more about Spies. How did you know?"

" my sister reads Arthasashtra. Learnt it from her."

"So you know more things. I can learn from you then.As Hemalekha got married, I cannot read anything from her." Taking hands of Vasanthika,"will you teach me? I never had an interest to read when I was small. Now  I feel It is too late."

Vasanthika gently smiled," Ofcourse I would. As far as Iam concerned,I have no seperate goals. All your dreams and ambitions are my motivations. My life goals."

Kulasekaran moved in. He took her hands placed a soft kiss.


Somewhere at the choultry, Fiyaz opened his bundle, took a silk bordered paper and pen. He carefully soaked the pen inside the ink pot.

Dear Father,
   Greetings from your beloved son Fiyaz.
The city is most beautiful place I have ever seen. And the people are so friendly. I have seen an angel here today. It was by an accident, but Iam thankful. I could meet a most beautiful lady. Later I would be going to Madurai.

With Regards,

VasanthikaWhere stories live. Discover now