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"You mean the daughter of VEnkatesa Yagva." Vasanthika became impatient before Govinda.

"Yes, you can find Kulasekaran in Jambukeshvar anytime in morning Vasanthika." 

"How are you so sure about the feelings?" asked Vasnathika looking towards the farther place to avoid meeting Govinda's eyes.She was afraid of breaking before him. Why the life is so cruel to her? Everything she desires always goes away from her. In particular to Hemalekha. Yes Vasanthika always envied Hemalekha. Thanks to her cronies,who made Vasanthika believe that Hemalekha is more respected than her for she being a daughter of Yagva. Vasanthika too firmly believed what ever she heard. She had seen how men revere Hema when she was seen as an object of gratification. Hemalekha garners most of the people's respect because of strong support from her father. 

Her father is a renowned Vedic scholar in Advaita's philosphy. Owing to the strong family ties, no body dares to cast his eyes on her. She is learned and has won many applause s for her stunning knowledge in Purva mimasa and Advaita. Ammanagavalli the proud mother of Vasanthika once acknowledged Hema inviting hot glances from Vasnathika. She became very dejected. She could not accept the fact that she does not know who is her biological father. Vasanthika as a child always tried to win the complex by mastering and practicing dance. But she felt today that her birth as a Devadasi is going to eclipse her future. Dejected she stood up in the floor.

Govinda looked at her with compassion. He knows her more than herself.  But did nothing to stop. He knows it will take time to heal. He has alerted the friend. She cannot be cheated. He is not lying at all. He had been with Kulasekaran. Though they were not friends from childhood,he had known to Kulasekaran in his stay in Kanchi few moons back. Govinda master reader of minds, could understand that he was in love with someone. It took no time to understand that it was Hemalekha. 

1 month back

Kulasekaran and Govinda went to meet King of Sambuvaraya's seeking support to fortify the city of Srirangam. The king did not air his views but told them to visit him after few months. Govinda and Kulasekaran formally total strangers became very cordial on that stay. 

"Shall we look around the city Govinda?" asked Kulasekaran on a bright sunny day. Govinda answered in affirmation. 

Soon the friends began to  look around the city with the eyes wide with amusement. The city was so different from that of his. It was the city under a vassal king called Sambuvaraya, there are several busy streets, but the busiest of all is adjoining the temple of complex of Kamakshi. Crowds of pedestrians, shoppers and others can be seen walking along the pavements of the temple.

The noise of bullock cart hooting, or mules, flying past is deafening. Anyone who stops by to watch the scene is amazed at the number of carts  crawling along during day time.

It is a bright and gay scene. The main attraction is the variety of  silk vendors attracting customers to buy their produce.

In the hustle and bustle, one can savor the delicious aroma of delicacies floating in the air. It comes from many outlets serving Kanchipuram Idly a delicacy made of rice and pepper.

The mood of the city soon turned sour when one of the royal elephant became mad. It came dashing across the city making the people scream out of fear. No sooner the wild elephant entered the roads, the friends began to look at each other in tension. 

The wild elephant couldn't find the way out as a result started uprooting the trees. Meanwhile, a lone girl was trapped before the elephant.The elephant roared in anger and ran towards her to kill her by trumpling. KUlasekaran looked at the helpless lady. Immediately he took the spear which he was carrying. He aimed at the elephant and shot the spear. The elephant got enraged. It turned towards the Kulasekaran. Seeing its rage,he began to pick a run. The elephant never left him.

kulasekaran ran ahead of elephant, Soon he began to feel tired. Now elephant came before him.KUlasekaran thought of his mother. He is going to die. But suddenly elephant fainted. Stupified Kulasekaran looked around there he could see a Buddhist monk. He had tamed the elephant. Without waiting for his thanks, monk disappeared.

"Are you alright sir?"

Kulasekaran fainted before the kind girl.

Meanwhile Govinda came looking after Kulasekaran. He could last find him in the guesthouse of the lady who Kulasekaran tried to save from the wrath of elephant. Later Kulasekaran told that this girl is a scholar from Jambukeshvara and her name is Hemalekha.

Govinda was no child. He could understand that Kulasekaran lost his heart to fair maiden. To add substance to his belief,Kulasekaran always contrived some or other way to meet Hemalekha with an excuse to learn Sanskrit.

Govinda was happier for them till he came to know that Vasanthika too set her heart on Kulasekaran. He cannot see Vasanthika getting dejected. He wanted her to know that no one can force anyone to love anybody. Will Vasnathika accept his piece of wisdom?

Author's note

How is the story?

I know many would be disappointed with Kulasekaran. What is there to fawn if love flows both sides. Unrequited Love of Vasanthika is a selfless love in her voyage to win his heart!

please ignore spell errors.

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