Pandya Princess

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Kulasekaran was walking along the banks of Kaveri. There he saw a figure in distant walking along the banks. As he came nearer, he could hear the chiming of anklets and juggling of bangles. That figure had along silky hair cascading on its back. 

"Who is this?" shouted Kulasekaran raising his lantern waving towards the figure. He was not sure whether the figure listened. He came near it and shouted at the top of his voice. Thankfully it is not a ghost as many believed. It is a girl.

These days the temple city was flooded with many tales of ghosts. They were very afraid to walk after the evening. Even the temple is closed after sunset. All girls particularly those belonging to devadasis are advised to stay indoors. They were also prohibited to dance in the temple as many believed some entity is attacking and killing Devadasis. There was a total of  4 devadasis under most mysterious circumstances. Sudha was the last victim. People went to the Kali temple on the outskirts of the city to appease Goddess. Suddenly a small girl got the Goddess inside her. She began to warn that danger from the west is lurking to the city. Horrified people went to Aprameyar who was also present. Being a tantric himself, he suggested bringing a famous Tantric from the city of Madurai. The temple authorities are not fully convinced. Anyway, there was a temporary suspension of all festivities and dancing programs involving devadasis.  

Kulasekaran was asked to guard the bank that day. On reaching closer he was convinced that it is not ghost. It was someone who he knows. it was Vasanthika.

She turned and looked at him without any outward emotions. Suddenly she stood up and spoke to him.

" Thank you for saving me," said Vasanthika looking at Kulasekaran."We are talking, isn't it great?"

Kulasekaran, "I did my duty, my lady. I would have done this to anyone."

That answer did not please her much. She turned around and looked at the howling river.

"Why are you out at this time? these days it is quite unsafe for devadasis to roam after darkness," advised Kulasekaran. Seeing her silent, Kulasekaran was unsure.

"Your mother was worried my lady. She was frantically searching for you. I had promised her that I will bring it back. Can you come with me? I will take back you safely."

"No," she refused " I want to be here for some more time in peace."

"It is not safe, what if that ghost comes ?"

"I would be happy more. At least it will understand what is going inside me." There was a moment of silence.

"Nah sir, we are devadasis. Many believe we do not have anything beyond the skin. They refuse to accept we do have the heart," said Vasanthika with eyes glistening with tears.

"Not all Vasanthika. Some worship you like Govind. He respects your talent and penchant for dancing."

Vasanthika heard Kulasekaran's answer. She narrowed her eyes, "But any one of them, can they marry me? "

Kulasekaran was silent.

"But I always believe, I was born to a noble lady. Someone must have abducted me when I was an infant."She paused," these days my heart always says this. Someday she would come for me. That day I would be free from this mean world. Who knows I may marry a prince. And I would appoint you to guard our wedding procession."

" That won't happen, Vasanthika."

"Why? should I always rot in this life? Can only Hemalekha and others like her dream for marriage? This is disgusting. I did not expect this from you!"

"Hemalekha my god why do you bring her in this."

"I am sorry. I lost control. I should have known."

"So when is the marriage of Hemalekha?" asked Vasanthika.

"How do I know?"

"You must be knowing. Afterall she is your bride."

Kulasekaran began to laugh hysterically.

"I thought you are matured,looks like I was wrong Vasanthika. Just like Hemalekha's mother you too jumped to conclusions. See I am not marrying Hemalekha. For that matter anybody. That day what happened at the festival was some kind of unfortunate. I respect her and admire her learning. But I cannot marry her.  If I do, it would be a platonic relationship something apart from a mundane relationship. It is very difficult for me to explain. This Hemalekha too knows. That is why she decided to marry her father chooses."

"Your mother may want to get you married."

"If I say my choice, she would think it is better for me to stay unmarried."He joked.

"Who would be your bride then? Any daughter of noble?"

" No, let me give you a clue. Maybe a princess."

"You are a big dreamer than me. Looks like both have greater than life ambition.Let's get back to home. "

"But you must hear.I would like to marry a girl who thinks she is a princess."

It took some time for her to understand what he spoke. She looked at him for reassurance. She desperately loved to hear that answer from him. Why would not the world stop at that moment?

"Go and find a girl from a good family sir, I am glad that you had some feelings for me. Someone who sees me beyond the skin. But we can never marry," said Vasanthika with tears.

 He smiled and whispered
" You are my wife. Let me break the rules. Mark my words I shall not allow anyone to prey on you."

They could hear the temple bell in distant and it was raining softly by then.

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