Chapter 1:Katya

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Katya's POV
"Day one in my new apartment. Day one of being on my own. Day one of my true independence. I think we got this Red." I looked down and picked up my cat. I was 23 and finally making the big step, living on my own. My new apartment was small I'll admit that, but it was big enough that Red and I could be more than comfortable. I walked and looked out of the window that over looked the city. "Red, you know I think we are going to be okay. Yeah we are far from home but I think we can make a real life for ourselves. Don't you think so?" I held Red up and looked in his eyes, he looked unimpressed. "Hey! Don't look at me like that. I know you will miss your fuck buddy from down the street but maybe you can find a new one huh?" I smiled at his nonchalant attitude and put him down as he started to wiggle. He walked away and disappeared behind a mountain of unpacked boxes. I stood with my hands on my hips and looked around, "I'm doing it. I really am." I tied my hair back and got to work.

After what seemed like hours, I finally had unpacked, 1/3 of my stuff. My mom told me not to pack my whole room plus but well what if I missed something? I wasn't gonna take a plane back to Boston, that was just out of the question. Flying is not my thing. I managed to unpack my clothes, shoes, bathroom items and feminine products. The bed covers and pillows could wait until tomorrow, if the sofa was good enough for Red, it was good enough for me. Red only liked the best things in life. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I waited while the water got hot. As I waited, I looked through my phone. I hadn't picked my phone up in hours, my friends probably thought I was dead. I had five missed calls from Violet, ten from Sharon, four from Alaska and even some from my mom. I sighed and called Violet. She answered immediately.

"Katya, oh my goddess are you okay?! We all have been calling you!"

"Yeah I see that Vi. Look I'm okay, I've been getting everything settled," I looked at the piles and piles of boxes making their way all around my new apartment. "Well part of everything. I am okay and healthy."

"Well now I know you're lying you whore, you are never healthy. You are a bag of bones with a thin layer of pale protection. You have no way of being healthy. You are a chain smoking hooker ma'am." I wheezed in laughter and shook my head.

"It may not be healthy but it is indeed fun. I can tell you that."

"Oh yeah I bet. But really Kat, how are you with being on your own?" Vi sounded concerned, which wasn't new. Ever since my drug relapse a few years ago, my friends have been watching over me like hawks. I wished they would just relax sometimes but shit, I don't think it would ever happen. I didn't blame anyone for me falling apart. But everyone blamed the guy I was dating, he was abusive and just nasty to me and everyone. "Hello? Earth to Kat?" Vi's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"I'm okay I was looking at something sorry. But Vi, I am okay. Please tell everyone I'm fine because I know it was you who set off the alarms mama." I smiled and put my fingers on the necklace that made its home on my neck. It was given to me by Violet, before I went to rehab. Vi had been my best friend for so long. The two people hurt the most by me hurting myself, were my mom and Violet.  I was determined to keep my head straight this time. "Listen, we both know I still struggle but at least I'm fighting and just not giving in. I've been clean for three years now."

"I know, I know. I just really miss you and I can't just come check on you if you don't answer your phone. You are so far away physically and well I'm afraid your emotional state will drift away from me too." I could hear the black haired girl sniffle over the phone.

"I wish I could hug you Vi. But you need to get some sleep, you have work tomorrow.

" I could use a hug but I will settle for an 'I love you' from you."

"I love you Vi."

"I love you too Kat. And please give Red a kiss for me."

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