Chapter 26:Trixie

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Trixie's POV

   I couldn't sleep at all last night. I tried everything. Warm milk, white noise, rain forest sounds, I even tried counting sheep. I would usually crawl in bed with Katya when this happen. It was crazy how much Katya helped me with so much. When it hit 6 am, I just fully stopped trying. Katya and her mother were supposed to come home today, which made my sleepless night feel like nothing. I decided that I would start cooking around 4pm. I had already prepared all of the things I needed for the meal I planned on cooking, so the only thing I needed to do now was actually cook it.

I was happy to be able to cook what I actually wanted to cook and not get shit for it. Mike wanted what he wanted and there was no questioning it. I shook my head as I looked at the clock. I had three hours until I would see Katya. She said they would be here at about 7 tonight, hopefully. My thoughts were interrupted by Red meowing at my feet. "Awe, do you miss Katya too baby?" I picked up the cat as I sighed. "I miss her so much Red. Hmm, would you wanna go for a walk? I know Katya walks you, I don't know why but she does." I put Red down and walked to the door. I grabbed Red's leash and put it on his collar.

I was so happy to get out of the apartment, and it seemed like Red was too. I walked Red for about a hour before we started our walk back to the apartment. Before going in the elevator, I stopped to check Katya's mailbox. It was about 6 so I was running a little late but I'm sure Katya would be okay with that. I jammed to music as I opened Katya's mailbox. I jammed until I felt someone softly grab me by my arm. The person took out one of my ear buds and my heart dropped when I heard who was behind me. "Hey baby, where ya been?"


"Yeah baby, turn around so I can see you." I slowly turned to face Mike. "You look good, really good."

"T..thank you. Um, I should be going."

"Oh, but hold up. I wanna talk to you baby, how you been?"

"I've been ok."

"That's good. Hey, where you been?" I didn't want to answer his question, I barely wanted to talk to Mike. But I really didn't want him to know where I'd been. "Hey, hey I've changed. You don't gotta worry about me hurting you or anything. You can trust me."

"No..I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because you always say you've changed but you never do Mike. You never do. I fall for it every time but I'm not again."

"Baby just come home and we can work this out."

"I am not your baby and I sure as hell am not going anywhere with you. I would be stupid to."

"Beatrice.." Mike's grip on my arm tighten a little as he said my name. "Don't make me mad baby doll. You know, I hate getting mad at you. So, just make me happy and come back home. We can kiss and make up, well maybe more than just a kiss." I held back tears as I looked down at Red.



"Uh huh, but I was walking my friend's cat. She is out of town so she asked me to. So can I put him back in her apartment and feed him?"

"Walk a cat? Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

"No, but you're blind as hell."

"What?" I pointed at Red, who was still on his leash. "Oh, okay. Well I'm coming up with you."

"I see nothing wrong with that." Mike let go of me but held his hand on the small of my back as we walked. We got onto the elevator and I picked Red up immediately. I didn't want Mike to even have any chance to touch me. When he reached out, Red attacked him. "Hey, I have to call my friend to let her know I'm dropping Red off, okay?"

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