Chapter 16:Katya

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Katya's POV
I walked in the apartment with Red in his cage and a few bags from the store. As I unlocked the apartment, I called for Trixie. "Trixie, I'm home." I walked through the apartment and looked in Trixie's room, she was no where to be seen. I walked further in and saw that most of her stuff was packed. "Trixie, where are you?" As I looked around Trixie's room, her phone rang. I rushed out of her room into the living room and saw that it was her ex. I hovered my finger over the green button and clicked it.

"Trixie? Where the fuck are you?"

"This isn't Trixie."

"Who the hell are you?"

"The chick who will kill you if you ever come near Trixie again." There was rage filling my body. I clenched my fist at my side and squeezed tighter.

"What are you taking about?"

"Did you really think no would find out about you beating her? There are people who care, you asshole. People like you don't deserve people like Trixie, or anyone at all."

"You talk real tough for a chick. Get my girlfriend."

"And you talk real tough for a pussy who beats on a woman. No real man beats on a woman. You are nothing but a wimp who takes his anger out on someone smaller rather than confront the problem or fight a man. Oh and she isn't your girlfriend anymore you dick. You will never come near her again" I could hear her ex throw something and then glass shattering. "Temper, temper."

"You are gonna regret this. I will find you both."

"Same to you buddy, same to you." I ended the call and wrote down his number before blocking him. I looked around some more and saw that the bathroom light was on. I tried to open it but the door was locked."Trixie? Babe? You in there?" There was no reply. I pushed on the door and pushed more until the lock popped. As I opened the door, my heart fell to the ground. Trixie was sitting against the bathtub with blood around her. I ran to her side and softly shook her. "Trixie, baby doll I need you to wake up for me. Come on we just moved in together. I have made so many plans, there are so many things for us to do together." Trixie mumbled something and I thanked the heavens that she was still alive. I got the medicine kit and wrapped up her arms, tightly. I took off my shirt and turned on the shower, as I got in the shower I pulled her in with me and laid her against my chest. I let the cold water hit her in the face as I rocked her back and forth. "You know what Trix, it'll be great if you woke up. I love you Trixie, and I want to protect you. I want to protect you from all the evil in the world. You are my friend Trixie, and I love my friend, I love you so damn much. But I can't show you my love if you leave me. Please don't leave me. I know it's rough, but I can make it better. I promise you, I can." My tears started to fall slowly as I looked at Trixie. She was pale but her body was warming up. I kissed her cheek and prayed to whoever was upstairs to let her survive.

After I took Trixie out of the shower, her body had warmed up more. I washed her face and brushed her hair, getting rid of all the tangles. I sat on the bed next to Trixie, she was still unconscious but breathing. I lifted her arm softly to change the bandages. As I unwrapped her arms, my throat went dry. There were cuts all over her arms, more than before. The fresh cuts were still dripping blood. I took a cold wet cloth and carefully cleaned the cuts as I hummed along to the piano music I had playing through the house. I wrapped Trixie's arms back up and threw the old bandages in the trash. I walked to the kitchen and fixed myself a cup of hot cocoa. I leaned against the counter as I waited for the water to heat up. I grabbed a bottle of water for Trixie, just in case she would wake up soon. Red jumped on the counter and rubbed against my arm. "Hey there buddy. Are you worried about her? She will be okay." I ran my fingers up Red's tail and scratched behind his ear. "She will be okay." I finished making my hot cocoa and grabbed the water, walking back to my bedroom. I sat in the chair facing the window. I looked at the cars go by on the streets below. Red jumped in my lap and purred as I pet him. The moonlight shined in the room, lighting the room up slightly. I looked at Trixie, her beauty being enhanced as the moonlight hit her face. Her porcelain face, shined as the moon casted it's light on her. Her pink hair glistened. From the first night I met her, I had seen her like this. She had been a goddess in my eyes and now the moon was praising her, just like I wish I could do. I really wanted to give her the world. All the happiness she had dreamed of and more. I wanted to love her but that seemed out of the question at this point. But being her friend was good enough for me, it was more than enough because I was glad to still have her in my life. I sat down my mug and crawled into bed with Trixie. As soon as I laid down, she wrapped an arm around me. My heart raced as I looked down at her. I ran my fingers through her hair as I spoke softly. "I can't wait until you open your eyes. I really love you Trixie, you stole my heart from the first moment I laid eyes on you. I hope you will allow me to make you happy and to help." I leaned down and kissed Trixie's head. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arm around Trixie, holding her close.

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