Chapter 15:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
Katya and I had stripped me from the apartment, all that screamed me and who I was. I looked around the place that I no longer would call home and then I remembered something. I ran into the bedroom and pulled up a loose floor board in the closet. I pulled out a small black box and put it under my arm. I walked back out and looked at Katya. "Okay, I'm ready." She smiled at me and helped me take everything to the elevator. When we got back to Katya's apartment, she sat everything down.

"Okay, so you can have your own room. We are roommates I guess, and it doesn't have to stay that way but I think Red and I will be happier with you here. But before you get everything settled in, we are eating." Katya walked into the kitchen to start cooking.

An hour after we ate, Katya showed me my new room. I started unpacking and looked at the clock, 7pm. I laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I was going to be okay now. Katya wanted to make sure of it, why should I get in the way of that? I turned off the lamp on the bedside table and closed my eyes. I was tired from it all, emotionally and mentally tired.

I woke up as always. It was 6am, I had slept for hours and Katya let me sleep. I got up and walked out of my room, Katya's door was closed and her light was off. I sighed and walked out into the living room, turned on the TV and looked through the channels for something to watch. When I finally settled on Tiny Houses, my phone rang. I looked around for it and finally found it in one of my bags. It was Mike, I let the call go to voicemail and scrolled through all the missed calls and text messages. 30 missed calls and over 100 messages, all from Mike. I put in my password and listened to one of the voice mails.

"Trixie, baby, come home please. I need you, I want you, please I'm sorry I will never hit you again. I was mad and took it out on you." As the first voicemail ended, another played. "Baby, where are you? Come on, we can work this work. We have so much history. Call me back." Another played, "babe, babe, I miss you. I can't do this without you. Remember our first date? And how great it was? Remember when you told me you would never leave me? Don't leave me baby." As more and more played, Mike's true nature showed. "Beatrice, you lied. You said you'd never leave me. But I'm here alone, where the fuck are you?" They got worse and worse each time, "Okay listen here you bitch, I will find you. I will find you and make your life hell. I can see why your step dad did what he did. You are so weak and broken, no one will want you. I did you a favor by loving you and being with you. Don't be a waste of time. " The last one I listened to was short but far from sweet, "Don't make me come find you Beatrice. You have a week to come to your damn senses." As Mike's words ringed in my ears, my body tensed up. My breathing became harsh and I started to shake. I threw my phone, got up, walked to Katya's door and knocked. There was no answer.

"Katya? It's me Trixie." There was still no answer, so I slowly opened the door. Katya was gone. I looked around the apartment and saw that Red was gone too. Did I run her off? Did she really leave? I knew this would happen, I knew I was too much. I walked into my room and started packing my stuff, from shoes to eyeliner. I went to the bathroom and took all of my stuff out of the shower. As I walked past the mirror, I saw myself and hate filled my body. I punched the mirror and smashed it, I held my hand as my crimson blood ran from my knuckles. "Fucking shit." I sat on the bathroom floor as the blood ran from my hand. I picked up a piece of broken glass from the mirror and pulled off the bandages that Katya wrapped around my arms. I took a deep breathe and let the cold glass make warm blood spill from my arm like it had done so many times before. Darkness took over as the world began to spin. Darkness, just darkness. Cold, unloving but welcoming darkness.

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