Chapter 17:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
I could feel warmth around me, surrounding me. It was much different from the cold that I felt before. I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes were met with dim red lights rather than the bright lights of the bathroom. I turned my head to look around but my movements were stopped. I looked and saw that Katya was holding me. I was in Katya's bed, she was holding me tight. I tried to move again but Katya tighten her hold. "Are you awake Trix?" I nodded my head as she sighed. "You scared me Trix." Katya went silent for a little then spoke again. "Why'd you do it?" I swallowed hard as I held my stomach. The sadness in Katya's voice was strong and it caused my heart to hurt.

"I, I thought you left me."

"Why would I leave you?"

"I was looking for you and you weren't anywhere to be found. Both you and Red were gone." Katya sat up and looked at me.

"I took him to the vet, he swallowed one of my earrings." I covered my face and started to cry.

"I'm sorry, I just over think things. I got messages and phone calls from Mike and it just freaked me out. I panicked." Katya took my hands and looked me in my eyes.

"I'm not leaving you Trixie. I wouldn't have you move in with me just to up and walk out on you." I sniffled and wiped away my tears as Katya hugged me. "I'm not going anywhere, I swear." I cried in Katya's arms until I could cry no more. Katya hummed as she held me tight in her arms. "I'm not leaving, I promise. I'm never leaving." I closed my eyes and let the sound of Katya's voice ease my body into a deep sleep. The last thing I could hear was Katya telling me it would be okay.

I felt someone shaking me softly. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Katya smiling at me. "Hey there sleepy head." I sat up and immediately regretted it. The world around me spun and my head pounded. Katya leaned me back slowly against the pillow. "Take it easy okay? You need to rest before you decide to do anything."

"Can I at least go to my room?"

"You can stay in here. I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere, so what better way than to sleep in the same room as me?" I looked at Katya as she walked around the room moving things around.

"What are you doing?"

"Well since you will be in here until I don't know when. I thought that maybe we could watch movies and what not. Doesn't that sound fun?"

"I guess so."

"Good, I'm going to get a few things from the living room, I'll be back." After Katya left the room, I slowly sat up against the headboard. I looked down at my arms and saw that they were wrapped up in bandages. I also noticed that I wasn't in the clothes that I had on earlier. Instead, I was wearing a huge black band shirt. I looked up to see myself in Katya's vanity across the room, my hair was in a neat ponytail and my face was clean. I turned away from my reflection and looked out the window, the sun was setting. Katya walked back in the room with various snacks and movies. "Okay so movies and snacks. I got a lot of stuff, hopefully you like some of this."

"How long was I asleep?" Katya looked at the clock on her wall.

"Hmm, about seven hours mama."

"Why didn't you wake me?" Katya smiled and set down all of the things in her arms.

"You were resting, and plus you looked so cute sleeping."

"Um, hey?" Katya looked at me with a soft smile on her face. "Where'd this shirt come from?"

"Oh, well me. You were covered in blood and well you had packed all of your stuff. I didn't know where anything was so I um, I let you barrow something of mine. You can change if you want."

"No, no. It is okay Katya, it is comfy." I smiled as Katya's smile got bigger. "So what are we gonna watch?

"Oh yeah, uh some chick flicks, romantic tragedies and some good old blood and gore."

"What kind of combination is that"

"My kind, that's what kind. Now move over or I'll sit on you." I moved over on the bed and played with the hem of the shirt as the movie started. "You can have any snack you want okay? Don't even have to ask."

"Oh, cool thank you." Katya smiled and turned her attention to the movie. During the movie my attention went from the screen to Katya. I never really took the time to really see how beautiful she actually was. Her eyes. Her lips. Her smile. Shit, just her. It is all beauty. My eyes wandered down her body and her beauty just seemed to increase. I shook my head and looked back at the TV. No Trixie, let's not go down that road. She is your friend and that's all. Katya's laughter broken me from my thoughts, I tuned it fully into the movie to see what she found funny. It was a murder scene. A full murder scene. "Uh, Katya?"


"I don't think that's supposed to be funny."

"Yeah, but it is meant to be entertaining." I rolled my eyes as Katya smiled at me. We both turned our eyes towards the TV. After maybe 30 minutes, I leaned my head on Katya's shoulder. She moved my head to her lap and ran her fingers through my hair. "Hey Trix?"

"Hmm?" Her fingers in her hair was slowly relaxing my body, almost putting me to sleep.

"I've been thinking."


"Well, I think uh, I think it would be good if you saw a therapist." I opened my eyes and lifted my head off of Katya's lap.


"A therapist Trix."


"For help Trix. They can do way more than I can. Yeah I can keep you safe but not your yourself."

"What are you talking about?" Katya grabbed the hand I had broken the mirror with.

"This. Listen Trixie, I have an art major and that art major can't help with what is going on in your pretty head. You can take it slow. But, I don't want to worry about what will happen to you while I'm gone. When I walked into the bathroom, I was heartbroken. You are my friend Trixie and that means I want you safe." Katya looked into my eyes as she spoke. A single tear fell down her cheek and made its way slowly down her face. I wiped away her tear and smiled at her.

"I will try it."

"That is all I will ask of you, for you to try." Katya pulled me into a hug and held me. We laid down after a little bit more of talking. I was scared of being judged by the therapist, whoever it was going to be. But I was gonna try it out for Katya, it was the least I could do.

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