Chapter 11:Trixie

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Trixie's POV
Katya was back. She was back and I didn't know what to say to her. I had no idea how so much could go so wrong in a few days. I dragged myself out of bed to the bathroom and ran a hot bath. I pulled my hair down from its high ponytail as I winced. There was dried blood caked in my hair and it made my hair stick together. I took off my clothes and stepped into the bath, letting the hot water melt away last night's stress. The events of the night played like a horror film in my head.

Kim and her girlfriend Naomi had moved into an apartment not that far from me last week. As soon as they moved, Kim wanted to see me and to be honest, I wanted to see her. She had asked everyday until I gave in. I decided not to tell Mike because I knew he wouldn't let me go, so I lied to him. "Hey Mike, is it okay if I go to the store tomorrow? I have some things I want to get for new recipes that I want to try." Mike was playing his Xbox and barely paid any attention to me.

"Sure, I don't care. You need to work on your cooking anyway." I sighed and went back to washing the dishes. I texted Kim when Mike went to shower and told her to meet me at the store, at least that way I can say I ran into her. She sent a heart as a reply, I couldn't tell her about Mike and what had been happening.

Mike left for work at 10am so I took a shower and got dressed. I put on the locket that Kim got me for my 15th birthday and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I smiled at the thought of being okay at least for a few hours. It was 2pm so I made my way out of the door and left for the store. When I pulled into the parking lot, there was Kim. She was leaning against a white jeep. I ran towards her, with tears in my eyes. "Kim!" Kim turned and opened her arms, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh my gosh, you look so beautiful. Look at you!" Kim's cries started to match mine. I hugged her tighter and remembered the times that her and I had together.

"I've missed you so much Kim."

"I've missed you too love." Kim pulled back from me a little and looked at me, she pulled me back into another hug. "I'm never letting you leave me again. We are staying close." When we finally stopped hugging, Kim and I had to fix our makeup. "Come on, let's go inside." Kim held my hand as I leaned against her. I listened to Kim talk about her time in beauty school and the fact that her and Naomi have been together for four years now. "I'm going to propose to her sometime this week. I'm scared but I love her, you know?" I nodded my head and smiled. "So enough about me, how are you and what's his name?"

"Uh, we are good. He got a promotion last week so that's good." Kim hummed and looked at me.

"Are you happy?

"Yes Kimmy, I am." I looked at my phone and saw that Katya had texted me. It made me feel bad that I hadn't replied back to her but I didn't know what to say.

"Who's that?"

"Oh just a girl who lives in my building." Kim grabbed my phone and scrolled through the messages.

"She said she misses you. Hmm, so she's just a girl?" I snatched my phone back and locked it.

"Stop being nosey Kim, and yes she is just a girl." For the rest of our time together, Kim and I talked, got food, and just enjoyed each other's company. When I got home it was around 10pm, I went in the room and laid down. Mike said he was working late so I didn't have to make dinner. I closed my eyes and slowly let myself be pulled into a deep sleep.

I was woken up by the sound of a door. When I got up and walked out of the room, I was hit to the ground. I held my cheek and looked up, Mike was standing over me with my phone in his hand. "You lied to me." I crawled backwards into a wall. I knew what he was talking about because my home screen wallpaper was Kim and I. It was a picture I took today, but I couldn't let him know that I had planned to see her. He would kill me.

"What are you talking about?" He flipped over the coffee table and threw his glass whiskey bottle against the wall nearly hitting me.

"Don't play dumb Beatrice. You were with that dike bitch from back home." He grabbed me by my arm and squeezed hard until it hurt.

"I saw her at the store Mike, she moved here." Mike slapped me again but harder this time. He grabbed me by my throat, choking me before he threw me on the sofa.

"Don't fucking play me Beatrice. I told you I never want you to see her or those other dikes again. Delete and block her damn number and you are not allowed out of this apartment, do you understand me?" I nodded my head as I held my face.

"Clean up that goddamn mess." Mike walked into the room and after ten minutes, I could hear snoring. It was 4am and here I was again, crying on the floor. I grabbed a broom and started to clean up the broken glass, when I heard a knock at the door. I put on my jacket and zipped it up to hide the bruises that were already forming. I opened the door and saw Katya staring back at me.


"Katya, what are you doing here?"

"I heard banging sounds and glass breaking Trixie." I looked back into the apartment to make sure Mike was still asleep.

"I think your ears are playing tricks on you. Thanks for caring Katya, that's nice of you but I have to go back in. Wish I could tell you bout the noise but I didn't hear a thing. It must have been the wind." I closed the door and immediately started to cry as I slid down the door. I covered my mouth to keep my cries from being loud.

After I cleaned up the mess, I laid on the sofa and covered my face. I could hear the song 'lean on me' being played. It was right below me, so I knew it was Katya. My tears started to stop falling and my heart settled. She was there even if I was pushing for her not to be.

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