Chapter 4:Trixie

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Trixie's POV

I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. My head was pounding from crying. "Uh shit. I need a shower or a drink. Ugh or both." I let my head fall back on the pillow and looked at my phone. I had a few texts. Some from my best friend Kim, her girlfriend, Naomi, my sister Farrah. my friend Shea, and three from an unknown number. I clicked on the message.

unknown(5:00am): Hey I wanted to text you so you had my number

unknown(5:15am):It's Katya by the way. Cat lady with the Russian name lol.

unknown(5:25am): Sorry I'm lame and a weirdo who can't properly communicate. But I hope you slept well last night. Hope to talk soon.

I smiled at the simple and odd texts. Even though I'd only met her once, I wanted to get to know Katya. Although if she found out how weak I was she probably wouldn't want anything to do with me. I thought about what to say. It shouldn't be this hard to reply to text messages but it was. I struggled to know what to say and how.

me(11:40am): Hello Cat lady. I am sorry I am just replying, I was asleep and I would like to inform you that I slept well and I hope you did the same. I also hope you have an amazing day. Xoxo

After I texted Katya back I dragged myself out of bed and jumped in the shower. The hot water felt good, so good. I closed my eyes and let the water run over me. As the water ran over me, so did my thoughts. I may have been born a blonde but that doesn't mean I was dumb. I know that Mike was cheating. I could smell her cheap perfume and the lipstick on his collar wasn't my shade of pink. Leaving is hard, I've thought about it. But no matter what how bad he treated me, my feet just wouldn't move. I was like a dog on a chain and the chain choked me whenever I went to far. I was afraid of being yanked back by that chain.

I finished my shower and decided to start my day. I brushed my long pink hair. It was always a mess after a hot shower. It got fluffy and just terrible, in my mind I always looked like some poodle whose owner went crazy with some hair dye. Since I had the whole day to myself, I wanted to do something to free myself a little. I pulled out my phone and looked through my contacts, all of my friends worked so it was a slim possibility any of them would want to do anything. I kept scrolling until I reached the newest entry, 'Katya'. My finger hovered over her name, I didn't know what she would be doing or anything. She could be working or out with her boyfriend. Just as I was moving my finger and pacing around the room, I tripped over one of Mike's shoes. I felt a pain under my chest, I looked down and saw that my finger hit the call button. Before I could end the call I heard a voice, "Hello". I wanted to die immediately.

" Uh hi Katya."

"Hey Trix. What's up?" I didn't wanna say that I accidentally called her because that is just dumb. But of course with my luck, it happened.

"Um nothing much I was kinda bored, you know?" She chuckled softly.

"I can get that," she was quiet for a bit but I could hear her moving around. "Would you want to come over? We have to get to know each other and I'm sure Red misses all the attention." A slow blush found its way to my face. She was inviting me to her apartment.

"Uh I don't wanna be a bother Katya."

"Trixie if you were gonna be a bother I wouldn't invited you silly. Now come down to see me, no question about it. My apartment number is 203. Don't keep me waiting cutie." She ended the call with a giggle before I could say anything. I groaned and got up from the floor. I kicked Mike's shoe. Even when he was gone, he was fucking with me. I looked through my closet when it hit me. She called me cutie. Did she really think I was cute? No, I must have been hearing things. No one would see me as a cutie. I shook the thoughts from my head as I looked for something to wear. I decided on a pink skirt and a white sweater paired with pink sneakers. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and made my way to the elevator. I tried to control my breathing as I descended to the floor below my own. I walked out of the elevator and found Katya's apartment. I took a deep breathe and knocked on the door before I could tell myself no. She opened it almost instantly, with a smile on her face. I looked at her and decided she had to be the most beautiful girl ever. She was slim but had the right amount of hmm 'padding' in the right places. She was wearing shorts and a big shirt that hung off her shoulder. I could see a red strap and I wondered if it matched my face in this moment. "Well hello there miss. I'm glad to see I wasn't stood up." She pulled me into a hug and giggled. "Come in come in." I smiled and walked into the apartment. The walls were red and everything else seemed to be black. She noticed me looking around. "The landlady said I could paint as long as I bought everything and didn't fuck anything up, which I didn't. Painting is my life." I looked around more and my eyes stopped on a huge canvas.

"Are you a painter?" Duh of course she is you dummy. I kicked myself mentally.

"Yes, I went to school for it. I am working on a few pieces now. That's actually what I was doing when you called." I felt a knot form in my stomach.

"Oh gosh Katya. I'm so sorry, I should go."

"Ha, no no I needed a break. Please stay and make yourself at home. Would you like anything to drink?"

"Do you have strawberry lemonade?" She put her finger on her chin.

"You know, I actually do. It is homemade I hope that is okay." She walked into the kitchen. "My grandmother taught me how to make a lot of stuff and it just stuck." She put ice in a glass and poured the lemonade over it. She grabbed a few snacks and made her way over to me. She handed me the glass and I took a sip, it was like liquid heaven.

"Katya tell your grandmother I said thank you. This is so good."

"Sure thing. That will be the first thing I tell her when I die." Katya sipped her lemonade without even batting an eyelash.

"Katya I am so sorry."

"It is okay love. You had no idea. We just met." I held my head down and looked into the cup. Katya put her hand on my knee and softly rubbed circles into it. "Hey hey, you're to pretty too hold your head down. When you're around me I don't want too see you look down okay? Or is the floor and your shoes more interesting than me?" I looked at her and shook my head. "Good, now we are gonna watch movies and eat until we can't anymore." Katya got up and walked to her TV, I missed her hand on my knee. She looked through a box of movies and pulled out a strange looking movie I had never seen before. "This is called Contact. You will hate it but if you make it through it once with me, I will love you forever."

"Is it bad enough that your love is what must be offered to get someone to watch it?" She smiled at me without answering. After she put the movie on, she grabbed a blanket and sat back down next to me. After twenty minutes of the movie, I decided I hated it but Katya seemed so into it so I continued to watch it. I started falling asleep 40 minutes in. Katya saw me and put my head on her shoulder, I was thankful. I slowly drifted off to sleep with Katya on my mind. I was at peace.

Katya moved a piece of my hair out of my face. I smiled at her and hugged her. "I am so happy we are friends. I really needed a new friend who lived here. All my other friends live so far away." She smiled at me sweetly. She moved her hand to my face and her smile slowly faded. Her eyes grew dark and her features harsh. "Ka-Katya are you okay?" There was fear in my voice. She squeezed my face and anger filled her eyes.

"You deserve all that happens. All that you get, you deserve."

"Katya, what are you talking about? What's wrong?"

"You're wrong. You need to be better, you are garbage Beatrice." I felt tears burn my eyes, which made a smile grow on Katya's face. "All you are good at is crying Beatrice," she hissed. Her words burned my skin and my heart.

"I am sorry Katya, I'm sorry." I was crying now and trying to pull her hand from my face, trying to break away.  I felt something shake me.

"Trixie, Trix, Trix wake up! It's Katya wake up. Babe come on wake up for me." I open my eyes and saw Katya looking at me with fear in her eyes, the opposite of the dream. "Hey are you okay?" I moved from her and got up to put on my shoes.

"I have to go Katya." She got up and walked over to me.

"Hey Trix. Talk to me, what's wrong? Did I do something?"

"No no I'm okay. I have stuff to do back at my place. My boyfriend will be coming home soon and I have to be there." I was lying. I looked at my phone and it was only 6pm. She touched my shoulder and I tensed up. Katya looked at me and moved her hand. "Thanks for having me over, I enjoyed myself."

"Yeah sure thing. Do me a favor and lock the door when you leave." She picked up Red, turned off the TV and disappeared into what I would say is her room. I wanted to go after her and explain but the slamming of her door made my feet stay glued to the spot I was in. I walked out of her apartment and pressed the button to go up on the elevator. I held myself with both my arms, just as always. I always had to hold my world with two hands because I was so scared that one hand wouldn't be strong enough. But now two hands were just as weak as one. The elevator stopped and I ran inside my apartment. I locked myself in the bedroom and began to cry. Hot tears ran down my cheeks and the darkness took over.

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