Chapter 18:Katya

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Katya's POV:
The sun was rising and I still hadn't slept. I was too afraid to sleep, I was too afraid to do anything that would take Trixie out of my sight. It broke my heart that she was as bad as she was, but that was okay. I wanted to help her get better, I needed to. I looked down at Trixie. She loved sleeping on my chest, loved me holding her. It was something so simple but she seemed to enjoy it so much. She seemed to enjoy me holding her when we watched movies yesterday or when I asked her if she was okay every 20 minutes. I wanted to show her I cared but it was hard when you didn't want to seem annoying. I sighed and looked out of the window. "Are you okay?" I looked down to see Trixie staring at me.

"Yes, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" I smiled and nodded my head. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I did."

"Yeah, for a little. What's wrong Katya?"

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Life, I guess." She hummed as if she understood. "Trixie, may I ask you a question?"


"When was the last time you were happy?" Trixie laid her head back on me and sighed.

"Well, the last time I was happy is..well when I thought Mike really loved me. He made me feel so wanted, even if it was for the wrong reason. I was happy maybe for a year or two, but it didn't last. I had been with Mike since high school, the he was the only love I had ever known. I don't let myself feel happiness now though because in my mind, it won't last. The good in people doesn't last. Well, that's what I told myself at least. I've been close to it though, being happy." Trixie paused and looked at me. "With you. I've felt it with you. I have been telling myself that you won't hurt me, pushing myself to believe it."

"I won't say that I will never hurt you because I'm human but if I ever do, I'll work my ass off to fix it."

"I will know you. You've been doing that even when you aren't the one that hurt me. And I want to say thank you for that, thank you for saving me."

"You should thank yourself."


"Because you are the one who showed up at my door Trixie. You wanted to be saved, I just kept the door opened. You were the one who walked through it." Trixie smiled and we fell into a pleasant silence. We listened to the world below us coming alive, the dogs, the car horns, and the birds.

It was around 12pm when Trixie and I got out of my bed. She went to shower while I made breakfast. Just as I finished with the eggs, there was a knock at the door. "I'm coming!" I opened the door and saw a smiling Jinkx standing on my doormat. "Oh hello Jinkx. How are you?"

"I am well. How are you?"

"I am good. Would you like to come in?" The red haired woman walked in. I noticed she was holding a cake.

"I wanted to see how Trixie was doing. I really did enjoy her singing in the morning."


"Yes, it was beautiful. I baked a cake for you both. I hope you devil's food." Jinkx handed me the cake with a smile.

"She is doing okay. Still figuring things out and this is very sweet of you. Thank you. Trixie is in the shower but she will be out soon. Would you like some breakfast? We can have cake after."

"That sounds lovely. Thank you." Jinkx followed me to the kitchen. "How is she doing with the move?"

"From what I've seen it has been okay but only Trixie knows how she is actually feeling."

"I am sure she will be just fine. You seem to really care for her."

"I do. I just want her to see that. Coffee?"

"Oh yes, please." Jinkx sat at the table and smiled. I fixed her a cup of coffee and sat it down in front of her. "Thank you." I sat beside Jinkx.

"I have to ask you something."

"And what is that?"

"Why'd you tell me what was going on and not the cops?"

"As I told you before, she lied for him. But she seemed so soft hearted for you. That day you came and brought her the box of chocolates, she found the box and smiled at the note you left on it. It just takes a bit of time but she was willing because it is you."

"Thank you Jinkx." I heard the bathroom door open as Jinkx and I talked.

"Hey Katya. Oh hello Jinkx."

"Hello Trixie dear. How are you?" Trixie was standing in just a towel looking at the table.

"I am okay."

"That is good to hear." Trixie smiled shyly and looked at me.

"Katya can you come here for a second please?"

"Oh sure." I turned to Jinxk,"I will be back." I followed Trixie to her room. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, um I need more bandages. The others got wet."

"Sure thing." I went to my room and grabbed the bandages along with the ointment for Trixie's arms. I walked back in her room and kneeled down in front of her, taking one of her arms in my hands.

"You know you don't have to do this, right?"

"I know, but I want to." Trixie nodded and let me wrap her arm.

"Why is Jinkx here?"

"She came to check on you. Oh, she also brought a cake that she baked."

"That's nice, I guess." I put my hand on Trixie's knee and looked at her.

"Hey, I know you want to protect yourself. We all should, but she wants to see you happy just like I do. Give her a chance just like you're giving me one." Trixie didn't say anything just looked at me. I finished wrapping both of Trixie's arms and stood up. "All done. You don't have to come out. I'll tell her you aren't feeling too good okay?" Trixie nodded and smiled weakly. I kissed the top of her head and walked out of her room, closing the door behind me.

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