Chapter 24:Trixie

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*Four months later*

Trixie's POV
I was doing so much better. Katya and I had become closer, and I wasn't having as many problems as before. Life was getting better and it was all thanks to Katya and her wanting to help me. She was the reason I went to see Bob, the reason Kim and I were talking again, and the reason I can go out in public without freaking out. Katya still didn't know how I felt about her even though I really wanted her to know. Kim said that I should just go for it and well so did Jinkx, but it wasn't that easy for me. I didn't want to open up a can of worms that I couldn't close. "Trixie?"

"Yeah?" I stuck my head out of the kitchen and smiled at Katya.

"Have you seen my car keys?"

"Yeah, I put them on the hook by the door. You left them in the door last night after you got back home."

"Shit, thank you. I have no idea what I would do without you here with me."

"To be honest, I have no idea what you would do neither."

"Smartass. Hey, you still going to your appointment today?"

"I sure am." Katya walked to me, she stood in front of me and smiled softly. "What is it?"

"I'm so proud of you."

"For what?"

"You haven't missed a single appointment, even when you were sick. You pushed through your fear and everything to the help you needed."

"Well, I wanted to get better. I had to."

"I'm glad you are better." Katya looked at her watch and cursed. "I got to get going. Are you sure you're gonna be okay by yourself?"

"Katya, it is only for a day."

"Well, yeah but.."

"There are no buts. I will be okay, you go get your mother. I'm excited to meet her."

"Ha, she is excited to meet you too. Ever since she heard you singing over the phone, she has been in love with you."

"Shut up, I am still embarrassed about that."

"It was cute." Katya hugged me and kissed my head. "I'll see you when I get back." I waved bye to Katya as she rushed out of the door. I brought my hand to my cheek and sighed. If only Katya knew what she made me feel. I finished up the dishes and ran to my room to get ready.

After a calming drive, I had made it to my appointment. Just on time, as always. I held the tin of cookies that I baked close to me. I wanted to thank Bob for helping me as much as he did. I smiled as I walked to the front desk. "He is already waiting for you dear."

"Thank you." I knocked on Bob's office door before walking in. He was sitting at his desk with his glasses on, looking down at a file.

"Oh hello Trixie."


"Please have a seat." Bob walked around his desk and sat in the chair across from the red sofa that I had gotten so used to. "How are you today?"

"I am good."

"Still writing in your journal?"

"Yes, every day and night. Sometimes even three times a day when I need it."

"You are making such good progress Trixie."

"Thank you. Katya told me she was proud of me."

"That reminds me.."


"I would like to talk about Katya today."

"Oh, I thought you said I didn't need a safe anchor anymore."

"I mean your feelings for her Trixie."

"Oh, those?"

"Yes, those."

"Well, I don't know."

"What don't you know?"

"If I want to make those known?"

"You told me that you did."

"Yeah, I know but.."

"Trixie, how far do you expect to get in life by stopping yourself with the word 'but' all the time?"

"I don't know. I guess I just, I don't want to mess any of this up. Katya and I are good as just friends."

"I know you are, I'm not saying that you should throw your friendship away. What I am saying is that you cannot hide from these feelings and keep them bottled up."


"Trixie, we both know that hurts you more than helps you. From what you told me about Katya, she is quite understanding."

"She is."

"Then try okay? You two could even come in and talk about it."

"I will think about it."

"Okay. Now, on to a different subject."

"Oh no."

"You know, that is always your reaction and I really don't know how to feel about it." Bob smiled at me calmly. I knew it was going to come up sooner or later, but how do you tell your new best friend that you are in love with them?

After my appointment yesterday, I decided I wanted to make dinner for Katya's mom. I woke up around 6 this morning and pushed myself to go shopping. Katya texted me and told me that she would be back at about 10pm. I had no reason to be nervous about meeting Katya's mom, but then again that was my thing. I loaded all of the things I had gotten into the car. It was hard to walk, considering that my feet were covered in snow. I made it back home after maybe a hour. I made a few trips, taking everything up to the apartment. After I put everything away, I went to my room and changed into something a little more comfortable. I walked to the kitchen, turned on some music and got to preparing everything I needed. As I washed some of the fresh vegetables I had bought, my phone started to ring. I looked at my phone and smiled when I saw that it was Katya, I answered it and smiled even bigger when I heard her laughing. "Trixie!" I pulled my phone away from my ear as I shook my head.

"Gosh, why are you yelling Katya?"

"Oh, sorry baby doll. But I got a another cat."


"I got a new cat Trix, well my mom got her for us."


"Yes, she said that I have Red and you need a cat of your own, so I guess she got her for you."

"Katya, she didn't have to do that."

"Well, I couldn't really do anything about it. When I got to her hotel, she already had the cat."

"That is sweet of her, really."

"Hey Trix?"


"How are you?"

"Oh, I'm okay. I went to the store a few hours ago."


"That is a surprise."

"Ohh, fancy. Hey, did you save me some of those cookies you baked?"

"Katya, I told you that those weren't for you."

"But Trixie, cookies."

"We can bake some together."

"Okay, sounds like a plan. Oh, I have something important that was supposed to come in the mall. Has it come?"

"Oh shit, I haven't went down to check. I will go now." Katya chuckled and I could hear that huge ass smile she always wears.

"Thank you doll. I will see you when I get home okay?"


"Oh and Trixie?"


"I miss you, I want the biggest hug when I get home."

"Okay, I think I can manage that."

"Thank you."

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