Chapter 9:Katya

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Katya's POV
7pm and still no text from Trixie. I was really hoping she would text me back and maybe explain what was happening. Vi and I had gotten to Ginger's house and had a few drinks. The girls were happy to see me and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss them. This group of girls had gotten me through so much and there was no denying that fact. But my mind was still on Trixie, through all the drinks and music blasted, she was the only thing I could think about.

A full two weeks had passed and still nothing from Trixie. I was worried to say the least. On the second day I had gotten back in town, I went to the hospital to see my mother. They said she had a minor stroke but they caught it in enough time to help her so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I went back and forth from the hospital to her house, getting things she needed. I had been doing a good job not to let my mother see my worry about Trixie so she could get better. Today was the day she was able to go home, so I had to load all of her stuff in the car. As I waited for the nurse to wheel her out of the hospital, I checked my phone again. Nothing. I had sent Trixie a text everyday since I got here, just checking on her. I never got anything back, it made my heart sink. "You're always on that phone Yekaterina." I looked up to see my mother being brought out of the hospital doors. "You should look up at the sun sometimes, it's quite beautiful."

"Mom, the sun will blind me. Then I won't be able to see anything."

"Well, it's not like you look at anything other than your phone anyway." I muttered a few curse words in Russian. We looked at each other and laughed as I helped her get in the car.

"I'm glad you're still quick on your feet mom."

"Don't need to be that quick to keep up with you, Katya." I looked at my phone while we were at a red light, nothing. I put it down with a look of defeat. "Dear, what is it?"

"What is what mom?"

"Yekaterina, I'm no dummy. You have been checking that thing more than I have ever seen. Who is supposed to be on the other side?" I sighed as I looked over at her.

"You notice everything. But it is a girl in my apartment complex, her name is Trixie. We had just met and were becoming friends but she became distant. I know I haven't known her for long but I just got a feeling."

"Then trust your feeling, that is what they are for. Unless they are telling you to murder the prime mister or something like that. But when it comes to building connects with a person, it is a 50/50 chance. You have good people skills Yekaterina, trust yourself." My mother grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

After talking more with my mom, we decided she would come visit me in a few months. She seemed excited and to be honest I was too. I needed something to distract me from Trixie. I dropped my mother off home and took a long drive. I was going back tomorrow morning and I had no idea what I would say if I saw Trixie. My mom told me to just be calm and let the words come to me. I spent four hours just driving, no music just driving. I decided to drive to a hill and look out over the city at the lights. It was beautiful.

I spent three hours sitting on the hood of the car looking up at the stars. It was 7am and I had to be at the airport at 8:30. I said my teary goodbyes and gave my friends hugs. "Take care of yourself Katya," Ginger said as she hugged me tight.

"Yeah, we don't want to see a black bag showing up here alright? Unless its Halloween, then maybe I could use you as a decoration in the yard." My friend Sharon chuckled from the couch. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her. Violet walked to me and threw her arms around me.

"Take care of Red okay? I will miss him so much and I love him." She said Red but I knew what she meant.

"I will take care of myself Vi. I will miss you too and I love you more." She cried into my neck until Pearl came and pulled her away. I waved bye to everyone and walked outside, my mother was waiting by the car. She decided she wanted to be the one to drive me to the airport. We got into the car, the drive was quiet. When we finally got to the airport, I got out of the car and got all of my things. My mom stepped out of the car and looked at me 

"Thought you could get away from me that easily?" She opened her arms and I walked right in them.

"Never. Please make sure to take care of yourself."

"I had to take care of you and your father, I think I can take care of myself. Remember to trust this okay?" She poked my chest where my heart was. "It can do wonders. I love you Yekaterina and call me when you land so I know you are safe and didn't dive out of the plane."

"I love you too mom and sure thing." As we hugged for a little longer, I felt the stress fall off of me.

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