Chapter 9

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Part 1: Nate Archibald

After I take Jenny home, I go to Chuck's.

"Chuck, I cannot believe you. What the hell were you thinking? All Liz wanted to do was be accepted by you guys and you don't even want custody for her? Have you told Blair yet? She will literally murder you," I scream.

"What did you do Chuck?" Blair asks.

"I said I didn't want anything to do with Liz," Chuck replies.

"I've run it with Jenny, and I'm legally adopting her. I cannot believe you Chuck! You're excuse was that Blair is pregnant? So is Jenny!" I say more calmly but sternly.

"I'm going out," said Blair.

"I have to go too. Dan is helping Liz and me redo the nursery and her room and we're meeting at Lowe's in fifteen minutes," I say.

Part 2: Dan Humphrey

"I'm here, I made it, it's all good, I'm here," I hear Nate say from a few feet away. Liz and I are at Lowe's for paint. We're redoing the nursery and bedroom in Nate's place for her and the baby.

"I'm getting teal for my room," says Liz. She chooses a bright, light color.

"Let's get a gender neutral color for the baby. Maybe light yellow?" I say. I pull a soft, buttery color.

"I guess we should get to painting!" Nate exclaims.

Once we get home, Liz changes into spandex and a tee shirt. I ditch my jeans for athletic shorts and Nate was already dressed for painting. Jenny is spending the night at Serena's, so we have about 12 hours to get the rooms done. It's pretty chaotic.

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