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Liz Archibald's POV:

We join lips as the clock strikes twelve. My legs were wrapped around his waist, and he was holding my hips. We kissed a long, meaningful kiss. His lips are soft and smooth. It's my first New Year's kiss. Then, Nate comes to pick me up. We're driving home when a truck hits us. Everything goes black.

I hear everything faintly.

"Liz! Liz! It'll be okay, I promise," Nate says. The ambulance comes and I'm put on a stretcher.

Nate Archibald's POV:

"She lost the baby," Jenny tells me. Thank God.

"I'll call James. He's fourteen, it's not like he's gone to bed yet," I say.

He answers and I tell him. "She lost the baby," I say.

"It's awful that she was in a car wreck, but thank God," he replies.

James Williams's POV:

Liz came back the day after. She's traumatized, but she's okay, which is all that matters.

We both are at lacrosse practice. I'm on the St. Jude JV team, and she's on the Jr. Constance 7th Grade Varsity Team. Both of our teams are undefeated. We have the same coach, and we're having a joint practice. We need the girls because our coach says we suck at catching, so they're passing to us with our sticks and we're catching with they're pocketless sticks. Obviously, my coach knew Liz and I were dating, so he let us switch sticks. Her is a yellow Brine A1 Diversity stick. Mine is an STX Hammer 500. She's loving the pocket, but I'm thinking about how hard it must be to scoop and catch with this stick.

Liz Archibald's POV:

My friend, Abigail, who is a Sophomore, is asking me why I love James at our lockers.

"His personality is amazing. He cares about my life without obsessing over it. He is protective of me and loves me. He loves his family and cares about school and lacrosse. Him being hot is just a bonus. I'll describe because you two haven't me. He's 6'3" and has a voice that's powerful and low, but not too low. He's really muscular. He has olive skin, reddish-brown hair, and bright, blue eyes. He cares about what he wears but dresses down every once in a while. He's perfect for me," I tell her.

"He sounds perfect for you!" she replies.

"Here he comes!" I say.

"Hello, ladies. I came to walk you to lunch because I know you pass John." He pauses. "I don't believe we've met. I'm James Williams."

"I'm Abigail Lowlee. My boyfriend is on the Varsity Lacrosse team, so you might know John."

"John who?" James and I simultaneously ask.

"John Dalgaard."

I break down. It can't be true. It can't be. Not Abigail. Please, God, let there be another John Dalgaard on the varsity St. Jude's lacrosse.

James and I walk away.

Abigail Lowlee's POV:

"What the hell did you do to Liz?" I scream across the Met to John.

"What are you talking about?"

"What did you do. If you don't tell me I'll dump you now.

"I kissed her in the halls on her first day, then broke into her room through a fire escape and tried to rape her, but only because Lia payed me $100."

I slap him across the face. I walk away from him. What 16 year old kisses a girl four grades below him?

Liz Archibald's POV:

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