Chapter 14: Liz Bass

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Tonight is my first sleepover. I'm going to my friend Lia's house. She's in my grade, but most of my classes are with high schoolers, so they're my friends too. I kind of have a crush on her brother. James a freshman at St. Jude and he's been really protective of me since the incident.

Lia thinks we're a great couple because we both play lacrosse. She's having us sit next to each other at dinner. Dinner is really good. It's waffles.

After dinner, we go upstairs to Lia's room. I break down crying because I'm scared. The boys who caused the incident are stalking me through the Internet. Apparently, James heard me, and he came to see what was wrong.

There are a lot of different types of older brothers. There's the kind that ignore you. There's the kind that are mean to you. James is the kind that's protective of his little sister and her friends.

"I saw the comments. It's getting really bad, Liz. You need to do something. This is getting out of hand," he says.

"But I don't want to be the girl who tattles on other people," I say.

"This isn't tattling. This is being safe," Lia says.

"If you don't do something, I will," James tells us.

After this talk, it's around time to go to bed. We're all tired. When I fall asleep, the incident keeps flashing through my mind. It won't stop. I start breathing heavily, and eventually let out a short, choppy scream. It isn't very loud, so Lia doesn't wake up, but somehow, James did. He ran into Lia's room. By now I'm crying.

I'm in hysterics, I can't contain myself. I'm really scared.

"You're freezing cold and crying. This isn't okay. Tomorrow, Lia and I are coming home with you to tell your parents what's going on," James says. He seems really concerned.

"You don't understand. Until a month ago, I didn't even know who my father was. Then Nate, my mom's 'long lost love' showed up and their engaged. My biological father doesn't want anything to do with me. My family didn't know I exist until I moved here from Britain, and now two almost seventeen year old boys are sexually harassing me," I say.

"Maybe I don't understand, but I know something is wrong," he says.

I can barely breath at this point. I'm hyperventilating. The last thing I remember is my head hitting the ground. Hard.

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