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Liz Archibald's POV:

Last night I walked home. I was scared to walk through Manhattan alone, but Chuck was awful. I couldn't stand him.

Today is James's 15th birthday. He's getting his learners permit tomorrow, so he's been studying, but he can't spend his birthday like that. I'm taking him to lunch.

"Happy birthday, babe!" I walk into his room. I put his gift on his desk. I got him a LaxWorld gift card.

He gets down from the loft in his room and comes to kiss me.

"Awww, thanks Lizzie!" He opens the card and is thrilled with the gift card.

"I love you," I say sincerely. We start making out.

"I love you more," he says in between kisses.

"Is that even possible?" I ask in between more kisses.

The thing is, I love him more than anything. Even three nights ago when I almost killed myself, I didn't because of James. I could've easily killed myself, just stab myself in the right place, but I couldn't because of him.

"I was thinking we could go to lunch, or have a picnic in the park," I say.

"I had something else in mind. Let's build a pillow fort in the loft. We could have a picnic up there," he says.

"Let's do it," I reply.

We get every pillow we could find in the Williams house, and take them up to the loft. Then we start building.

"Mom!!!! Can you make some sandwiches and get chips and bring them to the loft?" James screams from up here to his mom.

Blair Waldorf's POV:

Jenny and Nate are here. Jenny has come to talk to Chuck in private.

They're in the other room.

"Why are you here, Nate?" I ask.

"Do you know what happened at the Kiss on the Lips party 16 years ago?" he asks. I shake my head. "I'll explain later, but because of that, I need to be listening at all times."

We here them.

"I didn't want Liz because I'm not ready for another child," Chuck says.

"Do you think I was ready when I was 17 and found out I was pregnant, or realized you were the father?" Jenny seems mad. Then there's silence. Then we hear Jenny. "Chuck, get off me! Oh my God STOP!"

Nate tries to open the door but it's locked. He kicks it until it falls down.

"Get away from her," he yells at Chuck while pulling Jenny away. Jenny is crying from fear.

"You had better get ready for a second child, because our baby girl is due in 3 months, and you can either be in her life or out of it," I say.

Now we're on the couch.

"I guess there are a few things I should clear up. First, I know that you two know this, but Blair doesn't. I didn't lose my virginity to Damien. It was a drunken mistake with Chuck. Two, Nate and Chuck still know this, but the reason Serena was at the Kiss on the Lips party was that she and Dan were on a date, and they were saving me, also from Chuck. He tried to assault me when I was 14, too," Jenny says.

"Chuck, I cannot believe you!" I angrily state.

Nate Archibald's POV:

Before we go, Blair and Jenny attempt a hug, but two pregnant women (both huge) usually aren't able to.

"Are you okay? that was pretty scary." I hold Jenny in my arms.

"No, I'm not. I'm guilty because Liz's biological father hates her and maybe if I hadn't run away and went to your and Chuck's place she could've had it better," she says.

"I'm guilty for not getting you when you and Chuck, you know. I was there. I could've stopped you," I say guiltily.

"It's fine," she replies, but I know she's not. She's crying.

"It's not fine. I could've stopped you and Chuck. I could've kept us from not seeing each other for 12 years. I could have kept you from throwing away having fun as a teen, but I didn't because I was mad at you."

Liz Archibald's POV:

I walk into the apartment and Nate is holding Mom in his arms. She's sitting to the side of him and she's leaning on his chest with his arms wrapped around her huge baby bump. She's crying. I walk over because I'm crying too.

James dumped me for the "Golden Girl" of ninth grade.Taylor Brawn has all A's, plays attack in the J.V. lacrosse team, and she's gorgeous. She had light brown hair, tan skin, a slim face and is the perfect height at 5'2". She has perfect caramel eyes. I'm too short, standing at 4'11.5". My face is rounder and less defined. My skin is kind of tan, but still pale. My eyes are a dull greyish-blue with green specks. My hair is bleach blonde with light brown highlights, which is not a good combination. I can't compare to her.

"What's up?" Nate asks.

"James dumped me for stupid Taylor Brawn," I reply before breaking into more tears.

"Come here, kid," Jenny says using her nickname for me because she didn't decide on a name until I was a few days old, so she called me kid.

I hug my mom, then go to the other side of Nate. He hugs me and puts his right hand around Mom and his left around mine. I don't know what Mom is upset about, but this is only the second time I've seen her cry, which means it must be really bad.

For me, this is an emotional day. It's my first breakup, and James is who kept me alive. Last week, if I didn't have James in my life, I would be dead.

Then Mom screams.

Nate Archibald's POV:

"Nate, my water just broke. We need to go to the hospital," Jenny says, trying to keep her "cool, calm, collected" attitude.

"But you're only five months along," I reply.

"I guess you could say I have premature labor because Liz was born at seven months. We have to go," she replies.

We get into the car. Her contractions start. They go from no contractions to every two minutes, lasting a minute and a half on average. We eventually get to the hospital.

"We need a wheelchair," I scream to a nurse around 100 feet away. Jenny is wheeled away and I'm telling a nurse our situation.

"She's eight centimeters dilated. I would guess in an hour the babies will be here," the doctor tells me.

"You're doing great, Jenny!" I say. She's pushing. "Almost there!"

The first girl is born. She has ten fingers, ten toes, and is four pounds, ten ounces. A minute later, the second one comes. She also has ten fingers, ten toes, and is four pounds, seven ounces. Probably three minutes later, number three comes. She also has ten fingers, ten toes, and is three pounds, fifteen ounces.

The third is taken to the NICU, because she is so tiny. Around twenty minutes later, all of them are with us.

I get a little emotional, seeing three new babies that are mine. They're so little. They're so beautiful. I can't tell them apart. Thank God for beanies with they're numbers. On Sunday, February 3rd, 2023, my girls were born.

"Nate, they have your nose," Jenny says.

"We need to figure out names. I'll name one, you'll name one, and Liz will name one," I say.

"Let's get Liz," Jenny replies.

Jenny chooses Baby One's name to be Sophia Elise, nicknamed Sophie. I choose Baby Two's name to be Mary Amelia. Liz chooses Baby Three's name to be Annie May. Liz writes they're names on the back of each's beanie.

Jenny is being moved to her postpartum room. She's holding Sophie, I'm holding Mary, and Liz is holding Annie. Tomorrow, we get to go home. Even though they're tiny, the girls are healthy and already smiling. I love them.

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