Chapter 31: 2 WEEKS LATER

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Jenny Archibald's POV:
"Nate, I'm terrified. I keep having flashbacks from the latest Chuck incident. What is wrong with me?" I ask.

We're sitting in the playroom, where the triplets are sleeping in each of their rooms.

"Come here and look at me. Nothing. There is nothing wrong with you. And you know that I will protect you from the Chuck Bass's of the world. I love you so much. Don't let anything keep you from thinking that."

He couldn't have said anything more perfect.

"I love you too."

Nate lifts me onto his lap and we kiss. We end up laying down.

In between kisses, he says, "Do want to do this right now?"


Liz Archibald's POV:
My arm casts are off and my leg cast is below the knee. I can walk without crutches, too.

The hospital found out that I'll be happier with homeschool, and if I start it, I can go home!

Mom and I finally talked. We have everything handled. She's filling out paperwork to get me out, and Nate is visiting.

"Chuck isn't your father. I am."
I run and hug him. He picks me up and hugs me.

"Thank God. Chuck is a douche."

He puts me down. It's weird it doesn't phase him to pick up my 80 pounds or my mom's 125 pounds.

Then Jake walks in. I run and he picks me up and I wrap my legs around my waist. Nate reacts with a grimace.

"Let me remind you that you two are only thirteen, keep it PG, please," he says.

"Yeah we know," I reply.

After Nate leaves, we kiss.

"I am so sorry. Why didn't my mom drive you home? Why did you want to commit?" he asks.

"It's fine. I would've used pills if she had driven me home, then I would be dead. And I'll explain later," I reply.

Then Mom walks in. It's time to go. Jake comes with us. Us two get in the back row of seats. Mom and Nate strap Annie, Sophie, and Mary into they're car seats. Nate opens the door for Mom, then he gets into the drivers seat.

"So, Jake, do you play any sports?" Mom asks.

"I do basketball and baseball," he replies.

"Good sports," Nate says.

Then we go somewhere other than the apartment.

"What are you waiting for? Go see your room!" Mom demands.

"I'm going to go home. My building is around the corner," Jake says.

Nate Archibald's POV:
I'm laying in bed. It's around nine in the morning. I hear a happy squeal from the bathroom. I sneak in.

"What's up?" I ask.

She holds out a pregnancy test. I look at it. It's positive! I pick her up by her hips. She bends her knees.

"We're having a baby! Number five!" Jenny exclaims excitedly.

"Let's go to the Humphrey house to tell them."

We arrive at the house. We have the triplets. Liz is carrying Annie, Jenny has Mary, and I have Sophie. They answer, and the kids run and hug Liz.

We sit everyone on the couch.

I say, "We have news."

"I'm pregnant!" Jenny almost tells.

"And more news," I state.

"Liz is Nate's, not Chuck's. There was a slight towel incident that one time," she says.

"Congratulations!" Dan says. He hugs Jenny. Serena has to chase the twins and get them calm.

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