Chapter 11

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Part 1: Jenny Humphrey

I'm at the doctor for my first ultrasound. Nate is here, too. The nurse comes in.

"Here's some paperwork and a gown to change into," she says.

I change into the gown and Nate fills out the paperwork. "I'm so nervous!" I say.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine," Nate says and puts his hand on my knee. Then the doctor comes in. They put the gel stuff on my stomach. Nate says something about what we see before I can.

"Why are there three dots?" he asks.

"You didn't know. You're having triplets!" she says.

I'm shocked. This is crazy! Nate looks more shocked than I am.

"You're free to go. Good luck," the doctor tells us.

So we go. We go to the Bass's to tell Blair so we can get more cribs.

Part 2: Blair Waldorf

"Triplets? I guess we should go to IKEA!" Blair exclaims.

We get the cribs and put them together. The room is a little cramped, but the giant room still has plenty of room.

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