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Nate Archibald's POV:

Today is my wedding. I'm am in the midst of my last few hours of being a bachelor. I am getting out of the shower, then I'm going to get ready. I got a special, new suit for today.

Jenny and Liz have already left for hair and nails and makeup, so Dan and Chuck are coming over to help me and get me ready for the next chapter of my life. I comb through my hair and put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt until they come.

They let themselves in. Henry is here to get ready to be ring bearer. Chuck is my best man, and Dan is going to escort Jenny down the isle because Rufus has the stomach flu.

"Enjoy these last few hours, but get excited for your life to change," Dan says.

"Is that some kind of famous quote or is it an author thing?" I ask sarcastically. I'm nervous. Jenny got pretty huge considering there are three living things inside of her.

I get into my suit, and we go to the church.

Jenny Humphrey's POV:

I'm so excited! The dress just barely fits, but it's still comfortable enough. All of my bridesmaids are beautiful, and my hair is just what I imagined. It's French braided into a curly bun.

We decided to have mint blue colored table cloths. Three of them have plastic covers for the kids. The orchids send a sweet aroma around the room for the reception, and everything is perfect.

I'm about to walk down the isle. Dan is by my side, and I'm excited with only a slight fear of tripping in these heels.

The doors open and "Here Comes The Bride" starts playing. First, the twins go out in their adorable pink dresses and matching flower petals. They drop them on the ground, and after they take a few steps, I start walking with Dan. Liz, Serena, and Blair follow after, and everything comes together. I get to the altar, and the twins go to collect the flowers. Then they walk back up dropping them on the ground. Everybody cracks up.

After a few minutes, it's time to say our vows. We decided to write our own.

Nate starts saying his. "I knew from the minute I met Jenny sixteen years ago that she was the one for me. We went twelve years without speaking, and I was empty those years. When Jenny came back into my life, I instantly fell in love again. Jenny is the most beautiful and caring and kind woman you will ever meet, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with her, Liz, and our triplets." I get a little teary-eyed because of how perfect that was.

Now it's my turn. "Nate is my rock. Even in high school, he was always there, and most of the people here know that if it weren't for Nate, there is a large chance I wouldn't be here today. I love him with all of my heart, and spending the rest of my life with him would make me the happiest person alive."

"Nathaniel Archibald, do you take Jennifer Humphrey as your wife?"

"I do."

"Jennifer Humphrey, do you take Nathaniel Archibald as your husband?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride."

He does. This kiss means more than all of the rest. This kiss is the kiss that has changed my life, and has opened a new book in the series called life. I truly can't wait to spend the rest of my life with Nate.

Nate Archibald's POV:

I am doing my first dance with Jenny since cotillion, and this one she is my wife. It is great being married. I love her.

Liz Archibald's POV:

I can't focus on the reception because I have a major problem. I mean major. I missed my period, so I stole a pregnancy test from Mom, and sure enough it was positive. Why me? Why now? What the hell was I thinking that night? I honestly dread telling James more than my parents. Jenny really wanted me to have a normal teenage life.

James is over. I'm about to tell him, but creatively.

"I have an early Christmas gift for you!" I say.

He opens it. He doesn't seem excited. Neither was I. This is the worst situation.

"Before you say anything, I will not do abortion or closed adoption. We need to decide on open adoption or keeping it," I say seriously.

"This is awful. Our parents are killing us, and it's going to be a slow, painful death of guilt," he says.

"I know. And I figured that since they're all here together, let's get it over with. Now. If we wait, they'll get even more mad. Even better, right now they're in a good mood because they just had they're coffee," I say.

So we go to the living room. I'm crying and they know something's up. James talks first.

"You know how you say that whatever happens, you'll always love and support us? Now is one of those times, because we made a big mistake," he says.

"I'm pregnant, and it's bad and I've never been one to rebel, but there is a boarding school for teen moms and dads, and I'm either doing open adoption or keeping the baby," I say.

"I've got this one," Nate says. "First, what were you thinking? If you are going to have sex, at least use protection! But it's okay, it could be worse, but, at least Liz, is grounded. That boarding school is a good idea, though," he says.

Then James's mom speaks up. "I though we taught you better, and especially since she is younger than you! I agree with Nate, boarding school and grounding."

I honestly thought it would be worse. It was still really bad, but better than I thought.

Jenny Archibald's POV:

Today Liz is going in for her first ultrasound and I'm learning the genders of the babies.

We decided to have a gender reveal party. Liz is seeing the genders, and will have three balloons and the color (pink or blue) will tell everyone the genders.

After Liz sees, it's her turn. Everything is good.

We're at the party. Everybody's voted on what they think they'll be. It's about to be revealed. She opens the box, and all three balloons are pink. We're having three identical girls! Nate was really hoping for a boy, but I know he's content as long as they're healthy.

Nate Archibald's POV:

It's Christmas. I got Jenny a few pairs of maternity jeans, a charm bracelet, and some Tory Burch boots. Jenny and I got Liz a Lilly Pulitzer tumbler and agenda, a couple LuLuLemon headbands, Nike leggings, a new stick, and some lacrosse balls. Jenny got me a grill because I love grilling but I didn't have a grill. She also got me a phone case and Liz got me a Target Giftcard. I would call it a successful Christmas.

Liz Archibald's POV:

I'm at James's for New Years Eve. It's 11:59 A.M. We intend to kiss at midnight, because it'll be 2023. The New Year. New starts. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1

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