Chapter 19

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Part 1: Jenny Humphrey

"Nate! One of the babies is kicking!" I excitedly say.

He puts his hand on my tiny baby bump and says, "Are you sure that's not all of them?"

"Crap! We have the eight week ultrasound in twenty minutes," I say.

"That means that our wedding is only in two weeks," Nate tells me.

That's crazy. In two short weeks I'll be married. In seven weeks, I'll find out the genders of the triplets. In thirty-two weeks, I'll be holding my children.

We get to the ultrasound. The babies are still tiny. All is good, so we go to lunch.

"O'Charley's?" asks Nate.

"No. That place makes me gag even thinking about it," I say.

"That's your favorite though," Nate says.

"Were you not there the two times Serena was pregnant and the one when Blair was? Pregnant women are very picky, even with they're

not-pregnant favorites," I explain.

We eventually agree on Mexican. We get there and order. I get lemonade and an order of two hard shell beef tacos, and Nate orders Coke and a chicken enchilada. Then everything escalates.

"What exactly happened for you to get pregnant with Liz? And why Chuck?" Nate asks.

"Chuck told Blair that if she loved him, she would go to the top of the Empire State Building. She was a minute too late and he was gone. I was getting over the Damien incident, and I was taking a walk. My phone rang, and it was Chuck. We had been talking a lot because we were trying to sabotage you and Serena. I went over to your guys' place. I don't really remember what happened because we were really drunk, but I guess we forgot protection or something. That was the night I lost my virginity," I say.

"Wow. That's sad. I remember it being all over Gossip Girl and Blair banning you and all that drama," he replies.

Part 2: Liz Archibald

Tonight is my first party. I'm really excited. It's the seventh grade Little Black Dress Party, and it's boy-girl. I put on my little black dress and some extra eyeliner.

I get there. I couldn't bring James because its seventh grade only. I hang out with my friends. Then I go to get refreshments. I get some water. Something isn't right. I start getting dizzy and have a migraine.

The girls who put whatever in my drink put me in a taxi. They say I'm going to a bar. When I get there, I'm taken to a bachelor party. I call James. He uses a phone tracker to find me and says he'll be there soon.

One of the bachelors helps me up. He's about to take me home but James arrives. He helps me to a taxi. Once we get to my place, he tells me to play the exhausted card. I tell that to Nate and Mom.

Part 3: James Williams

"I wanted to tell you guys what really happened. At the party, someone put something in her water, and put her in a taxi. She was taken to a weird bachelor party in a bar," I say.

"They're recreated my life from Gossip Girl. The John incident. This. It's just like the fashion show," Jenny says.

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