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Author's Note:

I am going back to chapters because I like writing less at a time. Also, thank you for 70 votes and 400 views!


Dan Humphrey's POV:

Serena and I are going to see my nieces. They are a week old. Liz is babysitting for us while we're gone.

We get there. Jenny answers then door with a tiny baby and we hug.

"Hey, little sis," I say.

Then Serena talks. "You look exhausted!"

"I got three hours of sleep, thank God it wasn't less," Jenny says.

Then Nate walks in with two other babies. He looks even more exhausted than Jenny.

He tells us which is which. "Jenny is holding Annie May. In my right arm I have Sophia Elise, nicknamed Sophie, and in my left I have Mary Amelia."

I hold Sophie and Mary, and Serena holds Annie.

"They're beautiful," Serena says.

"You two are good," I say.

It's so weird seeing Jenny as a mother. She still seems like just a kid. She looks so young. She's been mistaken for a teenager a few times. It's funny because Nate looks a lot older than her but still young. It may be because he's at least six feet and Jenny isn't more than 5'5", but she looks young enough to be Liz's sister.

Nate tears up a little.

"Awww, you love your babies!" Jenny says.

"It just hit me that these tiny human beings are like me. They have my nose and hair color and eye color. I love them," he says.

"I'm crying because I've only gotten seven hours of sleep in the past three days," Jenny sarcastically states.

"We are taking care of all of the kids tonight. You and Nate are getting twelve hours of sleep tonight," Serena says.

"You are going to our house because we only have one crib," I add.

"Thank you so much! There is no way we can repay you guys!" Jenny says.

Jenny Archibald's POV:

Nate and I are sitting on the couch. I'm pumping milk for tonight.

"Do you feel like a cow yet?" Nate asks with a chuckle.

"Thanks for reminding me," I say sarcastically.

"Almost done?"

"I'll be done in ten minutes."

Once I'm finally done, we head to the Humphrey's. It's already eight, so we get in our pajamas. I pull out whatever I pulled out of my drawer at home.

"Some things never change, do they?" Nate asks.

"What do you mean?"

"That's my shirt that you wore that night you stayed at my place. It says Archibald in the back." He shows me the tag.

"I never gave it back. I totally forgot it was yours," I reply.

"It's fine."

"What are we going to do tonight?" I ask.

"Let's talk and you can have your first champagne since September," he answers.

Nate Archibald's POV:

"What do we talk about," she asks.

"Whatever we want to," I reply.

"Why didn't you stop Chuck and I thirteen years ago?" Jenny asks.

"Because I was a stupid 19 year old with too much of an ego and not enough guilt in my life. And I was mad at you for not telling me Serena wasn't with Carter when she went to find her dad. And you stole my shirt," I say.

"You didn't know I had your shirt at the time!" Jenny adds defensively.

"I knew it was either you or Serena!" I say while laughing.

"Good point," she replies while giggling.

"I love you so much. I couldn't live without you," I say, then kiss her.

"I love you more," she says, smiling. Her smile was the same as the night of her fashion show at the award at the palace.

"I'm really worried about Liz. She isn't herself lately," I mention in a concerned tone.

"Remember after we had our fight how I wasn't myself. I lost my virginity to Chuck, then I cried and cried. I went to a foreign country," she tells me.

"But you were seventeen and had teenage hormones and acne and you were almost always a bitch, no offense."

"No offense, but if you didn't realize, girls get raging hormones and acne when they're eleven. By the time Liz is out of the house, we'll only have six years to enjoy."

"Speaking of houses, we should move out of the apartment. We have a growing family, and the apartment isn't going to cut it. I want more kids," I say.

"Four is a lot, but I wouldn't mind five or six. And yes, the apartment is Chuck's hand-me-down that still smells like scotch. In the morning, we're going to make a list of things we need."

Then we go to bed and get a full night's sleep.

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