Chapter 30

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Jenny Archibald's POV:
"Serena! We haven't seen each other in forever!" I ask.

"I know! We loved having the kids!" she replies.

I hug Dan and Serena hugs Nate. Then Blair and Chuck walk in.

"Hello! We need to see the triplets!" Blair exclaims.

I get Mary and Nate gets Annie and Sophie. Blair and Chuck take turns with each baby. They're only a month old, and they're still tiny.

Us women go to get furniture, curtains, and other decor' for the playroom. We take the triplets so the men can paint.

"So, Jenny, do you guys want more kids?" Blair asks.

"Yes. Especially Nate, because he's an only child. We want at least two more, but three would be ideal."

"Chuck and I will be done after this overdue, might I add, baby is born."

"Dan and I are done. No more. Three is enough. How do you do it, Jenny?" Serena asks.

"I guess it's pretty easy now. When they're older it will be more difficult," I answer.

Then Blair puts on a grimace.
She says: "Detour. My water broke. We're going to the hospital."

Nate Archibald's POV:
"We're going to the hospital now. Blair's water broke. You two pick up Henry, Mia, and the twins and I'll meet you there," Chuck says.

"Okay. They're with Dorota, right?" I ask.

"Yeah," Dan answers.

We leave. I need to visit Liz anyways. Dan and I take the mini-van and Chuck takes his civic.

"How's Jenny?" Dan asks.

"She's really worried about Liz. I think that she feels awkward around all the adults because she's two years younger, but Liz is scaring her. Liz is scaring me even more. The fact that we didn't notice that she was depressed enough to attempt suicide is scary. I honestly think it begins and ends with Chuck," I answer.

"Like when Jenny and Chuck hooked up. That also begins and ends with Chuck. Jenny seems like something is bothering her, though," Dan says.
"Between Liz at the hospital and the triplets waking her up every half hour and the big move, I think she needs a night out. I think I'll have her spend the night with Serena after this chaos has gone down a bit," I reply.

Then we arrive at Dorota and Vanya's condo. Leah and Elise greet us with hugs and screaming. I pick both of them up while Dan gets Mia.

"Uncle Nate, Uncle Nate make us bounce," one of them says. I can't tell the difference between them.

Then I put both three year olds in their car seats. I get into the passenger seat while Dan puts Mia in hers. Then we go.

"Chuck is staying with Blair. Jenny and I are going shopping for the rooms. We'll take all four babies if you two take Leah and Elise. Okay bye!" Serena
says. They run to get out of taking the twins. Typical.

"I'm going to go visit Liz," I tell Dan.
Walking down the halls makes me rethink if Liz should be here. It's less frigid than Ostroff, so I guess it's good that she's here.

"Hi, Nate!" she says right when I walk in.

"Hey, Liz. How have the past 18 hours been?" I ask.

"Good, I guess. I can't do much, considering I have two arm casts and a leg cast. I've pretty much been playing on my phone the entire time," she replies.

Then Jenny calls.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go," I say.
"Bye, Nate," she replies.

Jenny Archibald's POV:
"We have a major problem. At the hospital, they do a DNA thing, and Liz isn't Chuck's. But I've only hooked up with Chuck and you. Only twice!" I say.

"Well, there is one possibility. Remember that night you slept over. You showered. You could've grabbed the wrong towel. Liz might be mine," I reply.

"Oh my God! That's genius! Take in a DNA sample! And tell Chuck that Liz isn't his to begin with!" I exclaim.
I run to Blair's room. She isn't in much pain yet.

"Chuck! Liz isn't yours!" I say.

"How?" he asks.

"I don't know yet, but Jenny and I think she's mine," I say. Then I go.

"Jenny!" I say over the phone. "Liz is mine!"

"That's great, but I have to go. There is a crying Annie." Then she hangs up.

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