Chapter 18

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Part 1: Liz Archibald

I'm laying in my room. It's around two a.m. I've been thinking about everything. How my mom is having three children. How I'm Nate's child too. How I'm dating my friend's brother. How my boyfriend is older than me. The stalkers.

Then my window opens. The boy who kissed me came into my room wanting to hook up. I scream a loud, high pitched scream. Nate and Mom come running in, and they see him. I'm crying out of fear.

Mom calls the police and Nate goes into the living room with John. I go to the bathroom to wash my face off and take my contacts out. I put on my oversized glasses, put my hair into a messy ponytail, and walk into the living room.

"You don't have to be in here if you don't want to," Nate tells me.

"It's fine," I reply. I text James. He won't reply until the morning, but it's okay.

The police arrive. They take John away, and I'm suddenly afraid. I don't want John in jail, but the rest of my friends and family want him to be there.

Part 2: Nate Archibald

In the morning, Jenny goes and checks on Liz. I make some pancakes and bacon. Liz is okay, and they come into the kitchen. Today, Jenny is going wedding dress shopping.

I'm going to get caught up on work at the Spectator. Liz is going to the movies with James.

Before going to the office, I go to Chuck's. Blair answers the door.

"Hello, Nate. What's up?" she says.

"I need to talk to you and Chuck. It's about Liz," I reply.

"Chuck!!!" Blair screams. He comes down.

"Remember the Kiss on the Lips party where you tried to kiss Jenny? On Liz's first day of school at Constance, a junior boy kissed her and she was terrified. He and his friend were stalking her on Instagram, and last night, the one who kissed her climbed into her window through the fire escape and assaulted her. She's pretty traumatized, and I was wondering if she could stay at your house this weekend where nobody knows where she is," I say.

"No offense to Liz, but why would a junior boy kiss her?" Chuck asks.

"Apparently, his friend is in her pre-calculus class," I tell him.

"Perverts. Yes, she can stay here," Blair says.

Part 3: James Williams

I'm asking Liz to go to the movies with me today. I'm thinking Paranormal Activity, so I can protect her and stuff.

I call her. It rings a few times, then she answers. She's crying.

"Hey. Wanna go to the movies today?" I ask.

Sniffling, she says, "Sure. I need some popcorn and candy."

"Pick you up in an hour," I say.

"Sounds good," she replies.

I get ready. I shower, then throw on some khakis, Sperry Topsiders, and a button up shirt. I comb my brown hair that Lia calls a Bieber cut. Then I go to her place.

"Hey," I say when she answers the door.

"Hi," she replies.

Then Jenny says, "Have fun! If anything happens, call me. Thanks, James."

So we go.

"Why were you crying when you answered the phone?" I ask.

"Didn't you see my text? I'm still a little freaked out," she replies.

Her text from last night made everything come together in my mind.

Liz looks beautiful today. She's wearing a sweater, a big necklace, and jeans with flats. I think she might be wearing mascara, too. Her long, blonde hair is in a neat, right side braid with a pastel pink bow at the top.

We walk the seven blocks from the Archibald-Humphrey apartment to the movie theater, and buy our tickets and food. We get a tub of popcorn to share. Liz gets a medium root beer and a bag of pretzel M&Ms. I get a large Coke and a box of Junior Mints.

After watching the ads that seem that they last forever, the movie starts. Liz is terrified in the first ten minutes, and she's a squeezing my hand. At the thirty minute mark, my right hand is around her, and my left hand is in hers. After the first hour, I hug her, then at the hour and a half mark, we have our second kiss.

The kiss is good, her lips are smooth. It's warm, and it makes Liz calm down after so many scary moments.

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