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( "MR. MAN" )

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A SIGH ESCAPES Quinn's lips as she fixes her hair in the mirror, trying get smooth away any flyaways that escaped her brush. She was never one to worry about her looks, usually she'd rely on Jo to primp her hair, tweeze her eyebrows, or blend away any unwanted blemishes. Being without her seemed to create a hole in her heart, like she had taken advantage of living with her, to the point where she didn't know what makeup trends were even in now. Thankfully, Robin was moving in with her and by the looks of it she was equate to Jo in the makeup department. Maybe just a tinge more subtle. 

She cursed to herself as she picked up the eyelash curler, pinning it to the light-bulb in the bathroom to add heat to it. A little trick she had learned from Jo. Where Jo had excelled in perfecting her makeup techniques had spent too much time focusing on working or running to even begin looking up any eye catching makeup tutorials. 

A soft nudge knocks her out of her concentration, burning the top of her eyelid with the hot metal tool. She hisses in pain as she glances down as the culprit. Rudolph's soft brown eyes seemed to double in size as she gazed down upon him, a small whine escapes from his muzzle. She scoffs to herself as she looks at her eyelashes in the mirror, this was about the most she was going to get to a full face of makeup. 

Perhaps it was the best since she was undoubtedly going to be sweating with all the moving. She ruffles the fur atop of Rudolph's head as she exits the restroom, heading towards the kitchen where he danced happily against the tile floor. A small smile appears on her lips as she watches how excited he got knowing it was breakfast time. She scoops out a cup of dry dog food and slaps it in his bowl, waiting for him to eagerly eat it. 

Instead, the golden retriever sits in front of the bowl, staring at the kibble then glancing back up towards her with pleading eyes. "Sorry bud, it's the best I can do for now," she apologizes, placing the scoop back in the bag. Jo had gotten him too attached on wet dog food, which was always nice, she knew what he was eating but, it was just too expensive for her. Rudolph turns his nose up to the food, leaving the kitchen and Quinn behind. 

"Bud," she calls out to the dog, hoping to catch his attention. Her phone vibrates against the tile on the counter, making an awful sound. She was half expecting it to be Steve calling her, asking where she was, but instead it was a an unknown number. 

This peaked her curiosity, yet she was hesitant to answer it. Knowing her past experience with Hydra it had conditioned her to be untrustworthy of the unknown. She builds up enough courage to pick up the call with a skeptical greeting. "Hello, is this Miss Quinn Cruise?" The posh accent of the woman confused her. She didn't know anyone from England. Her arms instinctively tuck themselves against her chest. "Yes?" her voice is still on edge. "Miss Cruise, my name is Priya Khatri. I work for Stark Industries. How are you this morning?"

𝙃𝙀𝙔 𝘼𝙈𝙀𝙍𝙄𝘾𝘼 - 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now