The refuge

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A/N - this takes place when Jack goes to see Crutchie at the refuge

Ever since Jack had let Crutchie be dragged off to the refuge there was a pain inside him, a guilt. He wanted to save Crutchie but he took one looked at the Snyder, the man that tortured him and froze.

He couldn't move. All his memories came back to him. That man had taken his childhood from him. Jack saw the person he loved more than anyone, his brother, being subject to the tortures of the very man same man that haunted his nightmares.

Jack had been given a letter from Crutchie. His heart broke. They hadn't even been given any food. Jack knew what the refuge was like, the pain it brought to people.

He had tried to see Crutchie but he couldn't even come to the window. When Jack got home his head filled with more nightmares.

Snyder was always acted worst towards Jack then he did anyone else. Jack was the one person who couldn't be caught.

Jack's eyes filled with tears which dropped slowly down his cheeks. He needed that little sunshine boy back in his life.

Crutchie knew what Jack had been through and helped him by cheering him up. That's all Jack needed now. His little brother, the sunshine in his life.

Jack wasn't giving up on this strike until Crutchie was back by his side. Then he'd take him to Santa Fe with him.

A/N - I'm really getting back into writing and I've got so many prompts :)

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