Javey- Gone

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This is set in modern day

Davey looked at today's date. He checked at least ten times before he accepted it. How was it two years without his Jackie. He still couldn't accept it. Jack got ill, very ill. But he hid it the best he could till he couldn't.

It hurt Davey so much to see Jack ill, especially when he wouldn't admit it.

"Les, Ise going to win." Jack said laughing while he and Les was playing Mario Kart.

Davey leaned against the kitchen counter watching them. He looked at Jack's thinning hair and pale complexion. He admired how Jack was so strong throughout this. And Jack won like he said.

"Come on, Les. Time for bed." Davey said. Les had moved in with him when Davey's parents kicked him out for being gay.

"Will you come help with something really quickly then?" Les asked, leaving Davey confused.

"Sure. Jackie find a movie." Davey kissed his head and went up with Les.

Les sat on the end of his bed and looked at Davey with tears in his eyes.

"He's going to die, isn't he?" Les said beginning to sob.

Davey shut the door and sat beside him.

"I know you're old enough to know that answer to that." Davey swallowed.

Les buried his head into Davey's chest. He wrapped his armed around Les.

Davey went downstairs and join Jack in a cuddle on the couch.

"What did he want? And don't tell me it was homework." Jack looked at Davey.

Davey sighed. "He asked me if you were going to die." Davey eyes filled with tears.

Jack didn't say anything. He just kissed and cuddled him.

Davey reflected on that day. If only he knew that would be the last day at home. Jack was admitted to hospital the next day and stayed there for five days before he passed.

Six months later Les left to go to a boarding school, leaving Davey all alone.

Les was the only thing keeping Davey from spiralling. He focused entirely on Les. He pushed Jack out of his mind until Les left.

Davey barely ate most days, he barely left the couch but if someone was coming round he pretend everything was fine. But on the first anniversary of Jack's death, Race found him lying on floor.

"Davey." Race said. No response. "Davey." Davey grunted in response. "Why are you on the floor?" Race helped him get up.

Davey looked at Race. Race noted how he was a mess. He had massive bags under his eyes. He looked as if hadn't slept or eaten in ages. Davey just broke down and buried his head into Race's shoulder.

Davey was not different in present day. He was better though. Healing but slowly. He went downstairs and found some cold oatmeal on the side. Spot must have brought it over last night. He grabbed a spoon. He couldn't be bothered to heat it up. Heat reminded him of Jack. Oh who was he kidding everything reminded him of Jack.

He looked at the spoon and starting crying. Why did everything have to remind him of Jack? His phone began ringing - Crutchie - great. Crutchie managed his feelings over Jack's death a lot better. This wasn't the first death he experienced. He answered it.

"Hey, how you doing?" Crutchie sounded happy but also sad.

"I'm fine." Davey lied.

"Stop lying. Race, Albert and Spot are coming over. I would but my leg is hurting so me and JoJo are going to cuddle." Crutchie said. "Love you, Davey." He said before hanging up.

Davey reluctantly ate his oatmeal. He took small bites. This would be so much better if Jack was here. Sometimes his imagination would make Jack appear. This was one of those occasions. He appeared in front of Davey who ignored him. He carried on eating his oatmeal but with tears falling down his face.

He was soon out of his trance by the knocking on the door. He went and opened it. Race immediately pulled Davey into a hug. Albert and Spot walked around them and went to the lounge/kitchen. Albert shutting the door behind him.

When the two broke apart Race had tears falling down his face as did Davey.

"I really miss him." Race told Davey.

"Me too. Me too."

The two went and joined the others on the couch. They'd put on a film. Davey immediately recognised it. It was the film they had watched before Jack went into hospital.

"I-I..." Davey didn't finish. He went and left the house. He'd considered moving but didn't want to leave Jack behind.

Race followed him. "Do you want to go and see him?" Davey nodded. When Les moved away Davey spent hours and hours at the grave.

They walked in silence. Race even put away his cigar. They approached Jack's grave and Davey immediately feel to his knees. Race put his hand on Davey's shoulder. A butterfly came on landed on Jack's grave. What was a butterfly doing here in winter?

"That's Jack, you know" Race said. Davey looked confused. "People say a butterfly is a loved one."

For the first time in a long time Davey smiled properly. He wanted Jack to be beside him so much and this whole time he was. The amount of times Davey had seen a butterfly since Jack passed was unreal. It was a lot.

On the way back to the apartment they stopped at a shop to get a drink. In the shop Davey saw a plush butterfly. Something in him told him he had to buy it. So he did. And ever since that day he always slept with the plush. Every time he cried or missed Jack he'd have the plush with him.

One day they'd be reunited. One day.

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