Sprace- meeting for the first time

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A/N- I write too much Sprace 

Jack Kelly had just met up with the King of Brooklyn, Spot Conlon. He had just met the Brooklyn boys and now it was time for Spot to meet the Manhattan boys. He walked into the lodging room with Spot.

"Everyone this is Spot, the King of Brooklyn as you know." Jack said before taking Spot round to everyone. "Spot, this Race he's my second in command. Race, you know who he is." 

Spot and Jack carried on going round the boys. Albert and Race was speaking together on a bed.

"He's so short and angry. I hate him." Race said to Albert.

On the way round the boys. Spot and Jack were talking. 

"Race, he's tall and annoying. I hate him."

A few hours passed and Spot was leaving for Brooklyn. Race climbed down the fire escape and followed Spot. He followed him all the way to Brooklyn. Race then climbed up the fire escape and found a room with one single bed in. Inside the room was Spot so Race climbed into the room. Spot looked a little shocked to see one of the Manhattan boys climbing through his window.

"Want to make out?" Race said.

"Duh." Spot said dragging Race to him and kissing him roughly. Race kissing him back just as rough.

"Why we just making out?" Race asked.

"Impress me Higgins and youse may get more." Spot said winking before kissing the boy once again.

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