Twenty Eight || This Child Bond Is Unbreakable

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Note:I am very much failing

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I am very much failing. I got distracted because I kept looking up Aizawa photos 😗 Here's my update. Yeah, it sucks, but smut? Haha no, I'm going to get banned. But they kiss and makeup soon.

This Child Bond Is Unbreakable
Havenland - Royal Palace of KMJP | Year 2187

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It had been one week since I gave birth to my baby girl. I was recovering and in bed the whole time I was discharged. Miyeon was born on December 30th. She's birthday twins with her best uncle. I avoided Jimin and wanted my brother Dylan to always help me instead. Jungkook was there to babysit the two children with Taehyung. I think he's the best uncle out of the rest of the brothers. He's always excited and happy to see his nephew or niece.

"Miyeon and Seja! Your favorite uncle is here!" a cheerful voice yells.

The room is silent when suddenly thuds are loud footsteps coming marching up the stairs. The door bursts open and Taehyung is standing there in his formal prince suit. He has arms wide open for hugs. Seja is the only one who can walk right now though so he gets up from the bed and comes to hug his uncle.

"Tae!" Seja yelled happily.

"Where's your sister Mommy's Boy?" The tiger uncle asked my son.

"Bed with mama!" he smiled.

His uncle carries him up into his grip and walks to the bed to see Miyeon laying peacefully in my arms. She was asleep until she heard the voice of her uncle. She gurgles, but his tiny hands try and grab him. Tae looks up to me for consent and I just nod letting him grab Miyeon with the blanket wrapped around her.

"I'll be going now, you should sort things out with Jimin," he lastly said before leaving the room.

I'm left alone by myself exhausted and slouching on the bed. I don't want to sort things out. It's not like I'm completely avoiding him. It's more like he's the one avoiding me instead. He hasn't visited me once or even hung out with his baby girl ever since the naming and me being discharged from the hospital. None of that. He's been quiet and always avoided eye contact with me.

I've always seen Jungkook and him talking about something and they'd look over to me like I'm not watching. Obviously, I'm watching it feels like he's talking behind my back. It feels like he's gossiping and spreading lies to his brother about me. I've always liked Jungkook as a brother since he was really kind and helpful, but wouldn't he just push his brother away if he was talking bad about me? I would at least want back up if it was happening, but it seems he doesn't care.

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