Chapter Nine

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With Trinity in their lives Sam and Dean try harder to be around for the major holidays. Making sure she has the childhood that they missed out on. Surrounded by family and loved ones. Dean's still a little beat up after their latest screw up. The angels playing tug 'o' war with Dean. He clutches to his ribs as Sam holds the door open for him. And they've dragged Bobby along this time, not that he minds, he adores that little girl as much as he did Spencer when she was a kid. Though Christmas was technically two days ago they still want to try and get an appearance in.

"Spence?" Sam shouts through the house.

"Shush" she scolds a little as she walks into the room, but she does smile at them and wave. "Hey" she offers.

"Merry Christmas" Sam greets pulling her into a hug, Dean smiles seeing them together. She pulls away and Sam frowns a little. She moves to Dean who smiles warmly and holds out an arm to let her snuggle into his chest, he kisses her head and smiles. "What's different?" Sam asks staring at his sister as she pulls away from Dean, she raises an eyebrow and shoots him a look, Sam's eyes widen. "Oh my..." he starts realising that she's not huge any more. "It happened?" she nods. "Why didn't you say on the phone?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise" she admits as Sam pulls her into another hug, she hugs him back.

"I'm so happy for you" he whispers warmly. "Can we..."

"Duh" she pulls back. "Twins are excited to meet their uncles"

"Really?" Dean asks.

"No" she answers. "They're two days old, they don't actually care either way" Spencer points out, Dean snorts. "But I do" she admits warmer.

"Congratulations, sweetheart" Bobby offers hugging her, she hugs him back, clutching to him. "Your daddy would be proud" he whispers to her. She pulls away and smiles at him, he brushes his hand over her cheek.

"You guys want to see them?" she asks softly.

"Duh" Dean teases back, she nods and walks away, her brothers following behind. Bobby gives them a moment alone.


Spencer pushes open the nursery door and steps inside, Sam and Dean follow her in. The walls are the shade of golden yellow that Trinity had picked out, and it does work, especially with the white furniture. There's also children's art on the wall from Trinity who was insistent that they display them for the twins. She smiles lovingly as she moves to the crib, the twins set next to one another inside, just for now they'll share and once big enough she'll put them in their own cribs. She just couldn't separate them yet. Dean and Sam follow her, Sam smiling seeing the two of them in.

"Ryder" she motions to the boy, wearing a bright green onesie that barely fits him. "And Serenity" she motions to the little girl in the floral yellow onesie.

"What happened to normal names?" Dean teases leaning on the side of the crib to look down at the two of them. "Are you just incapable?"

"I didn't want Trinity to feel different" Spencer answers. "We gave them all relatively normal middle names so they can go by them if they want to when they're older"

"Which are?" Dean asks her.

"James and Jean" she answers. "So it's Ryder James and Serenity Jean Stark"

"Okay, James I get" Sam offers. "For Rhodey, right?" she nods. "Jean?" he asks.

"Dad" she answers, they both pull a face at her. "It's one of the female variants of John" she offers. "And I didn't like the name Jane...too close to hunting I think" she looks down at the twins. "So..." she shrugs a little. "Jean it was" Dean watches her face, that soft smile.

"How about you?" Dean asks her. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired, still a little achy" she answers giving them a look. "You know....downstairs"

"Gross" Dean shudders a little.

"But I'm good...." Spencer adds.

"And Tony?" Sam asks. "Where is he? Where's Trinity?"

"He's taken her out for breakfast" she answers. "He's trying to make sure she doesn't feel left out with the new babies" she sits in the rocker and sighs a little. Dean and Sam share a look.

"Are you hungry?" Sam asks her, she looks to him and nods.

"A little..." she answers.

"Well I'll see what you have" he offers and then leaves the room, Dean crouches beside Spencer who smiles at him.

"So I'm going to get back into hunting" she admits.

"Already?" he asks her. "You just popped out two sprogs"

"Well...sort of" she answers. "More like Bobby" she adds. "Just research...Tony even made me a room a few months ago, computer, books..."

"Why now?" Dean asks. "If you've had the tools for a while"

"I wanted to wait till the twins were born before I got into it, gave me time to stock up the library...." Dean looks skeptical. "Look, I'm going to be awake at all hours with them any way and I've got Jarvis watching my back...." She explains. "Right, Jarvis?" she asks.

"Always, Mrs. Stark" She motions to the ceiling as Jarvis answers.

"He'll make sure I'm sleeping enough, and he's on hand to make sure I don't make any mistakes...." Dean takes her hand and she smiles. "I feel like I can do this" she whispers to him. They share a look, he nods.

"Alright" he agrees. "If you're sure" she nods back at him and then glances to him.

"Are we gonna talk about who screwed up your face?" she asks him, he lifts his eyes and shrugs.

"Let's just say: angels are dicks" he answers kissing her cheek before standing and pulls her up with him. She sighs a little and shakes her head. "It's nothing" he assures her. "Just a few bruises...."

"You know I do worry about you both" she argues. "I'm not there watching your backs and I don't know what you're doing out there...." he stops her and kisses her forehead.

"We're fine" he whispers softly. "Okay?" she nods and sighs. "Come on, let's go see what our brother has done to your fancy ass kitchen" she snorts and laughs.


"Uncle De" Trinity sees Dean first and heads straight for him, Dean smiles and struggles to lift her up with his ribs but he does it for her. Tony follows after her, family bag over his shoulder. Spencer stands from the couch as Tony makes his way to her, sets the bag on the couch before pulling her closer to him. Tony kisses Spencer and strokes her back holding her closer.

"Hey, beautiful" he whispers against her lips before pulling back. "How are they?" he asks, she smiles.

"Fed and sleeping" she answers.

"Both?" she nods. "At the same time?" she nods again. "For the win" he teases holding up his hand, she rolls her eyes but does grant him the high five. They've had a few teething problems with the twins, one asleep, the other awake, one fed and happy, the other upset and screaming, it's been a game of round and round and round trying to keep them both happy at the same time. He holds her hand so she can't pull away and kisses the back of it. "We can do this" he assures her, she nods and gives him a reassuring smile. Both of them have had moments in the last two days where they've struggled to believe that they can do this, but it's just going to take some time to adjust now that there are three children. And yeah, it's only been two days but they're trying.

"I need a bath" she admits pulling back. "You good for ten minutes?" she asks, he nods.

"Yeah, I can survive" he teases and kisses her cheek, she hums a little as she walks away.

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