Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Tony leans his head in his hand as he watches Spencer sleeping with her head against his desk. It's pretty adorable and late. And Spencer had held on as long as she could but she's still sleep deprived. He needs to send her to bed.

"Hey, beautiful" he whispers and touches her cheek, poking at her slightly. She groans and swats at his hand. "Hey, wake up" he teases. "Time for you to go to bed" she lifts her head and yawns.

"I'm okay" Spencer whispers, Tony brushes her hair back from her face.

"No, you're asleep" he pulls a sticky note from her cheek. Tony chuckles and pulls her closer. "Go see to the kiddos" He whispers softly. "And then sleep"

"What about you?" she asks him around a yawn.

"It's nearly finished" he assures her. "A couple of hours, tops....and then I'll come join you" She hums a little and nods.

"Your brother is on the line, Mrs Stark" Jarvis informs her, Spencer groans a little.

"Ah crap, I meant to call them and tell them you're okay" She mumbles, Tony shakes his head.

"I'll take it" he assures her. "Go to bed" She hums a little and shuffles away from the computer. "Patch it through, Jarvis" Tony tells the computer as he sets a hands free device into his ear. "Hey, Deano" Tony greets and then rolls his eyes a little. He chuckles. "Yeah, everything's okay" Tony assures them. "Spencer's just gone to far off are you with my little robotics team?"


Morning comes and Tony doesn't make it to bed, but Spencer still has three children to get up, to feed, and to dress for the day. And she loves doing that. Spencer kisses Trinity's head as she settles with her crayons, the twins laying on their play mat together, hands held together. Spencer smiles and stands before looking towards Tony's garage door. She loves being a mother, but last night, getting to work with Tony, it was something else entirely. She's never gotten the chance to stretch those muscle of hers before, not like that. Never had anyone to share her intelligence with. She liked it.

"I can watch them" Pepper assures her as she touches Spencer's arm.

"Are you sure?" Spencer asks her. "I don't want to think I'm taking advantage of you being here"

"Take advantage" Pepper comments as she lifts up Ryder. "I love looking after them" She adds with a smile at Ryder. "And whilst you are looking after Tony, I am basically rendered useless" Pepper teases. Spencer runs her fingers through her hair and nods.

"If you are sure...."

"I am...." Pepper counters and gives Spencer a look. "They've had their breakfast, they've all been changed...and dressed, we will be fine..." Spencer lets out a breath and nods before heading down to the garage. Pepper smiles widely at Ryder as she sits on the couch and turns on the tv that is playing Jim Cramer's show. Pepper rolls her eyes a little. She doesn't understand why Spencer likes to watch his show.

"Stark Industries: I've got one recommendation. Ready? SEELLLL! Abandon ship! Does the Hindenburg ring any bells?" Cramer pushes one of his big red buttons, and there is the sounds of shrieking. Pepper turns off the tv again and sighs. Trinity glances at her.

"Daddy do bad thing?" Trinity asks, Pepper looks at her.

"No" Pepper assures her. "He really didn't...." Trinity gives her a look, something that is so much Tony. "Do you know what an epiphany is?" Pepper asks. "Or are you a little young for that?" Trinity shrugs and shakes her head. "Well, your daddy went through something and it made him made him see what was really important....and that is you, and your brother and sister, and your mother....that's a good thing" Trinity smiles a little and nods before going back to her art work. Pepper looks down at Ryder as her phone rings. Pepper clicks on her headset to answer it.

"Hello. This is Agent Coulson with Strategic Homeland Inter..."

"Yes." Pepper cuts him off. "I remember. What can I do for you?"

"I've left a number of messages trying to get something on the books with Mr. Stark."

"I know this is a priority for him. The next few weeks are a bit up in the air and I can't set appointments without speaking with him and his wife first." 

"Do you know when you will be speaking with them again?" Coulson asks her.

"Not Sure." Pepper admits just as Serenity starts crying from her blanket. Pepper smirks, Starks and their timing.

"What was that?" Coulson asks.

"Agent Coulson, I really have to go. Let me get back to you later." Pepper shuts off the headset and stands. "Oh, Serenity, you beautiful little girl...." She comments warmly.

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