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In a world where no ruler existed besides the kings of the lands, in a century where freedom was a sin, and slavery was how life turned out for a lot of people...

These people being the weak, poor humans and hybrids which were forbidden to exist , when the rulers were the supernatural creatures, who were roaming the lands; witches, angels, demons, vampires, sorcerers, werewolves... and the list goes on and on.

These rulers have ruled all these lands for as long as one can remember, their main target was to get rid of all the human race, making the presence of pure human blood rare and legendary.

The lands have been distributed among 5 Kingdoms, each for a creature and having its own land and king, ruling it the way they wanted.

Winter's Wings' Kingdom.

The kingdom that occupied most of the northern lands, having a merciful angel to be their ruler

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The kingdom that occupied most of the northern lands, having a merciful angel to be their ruler. They claim that he was directly sent from the heavens above not too far from their lands, his demeanor as pure as the white of his snow, and the light that he was made of.

Tenacious Tails' Kingdom.

The vast green lands that they occupied was what distinguished them from all other kingdoms

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The vast green lands that they occupied was what distinguished them from all other kingdoms. The werewolves that ruled these lands were known for their tenacity and determination, their strength and ability to take the worst of pain, but little did people know their deepest weakness. They're the ones who know the lands like the back of their palm, studying and knowing every single tree and never welcoming any intruder. They ruled with fairness and equality, never leaving space for anything other than that.

Sinster's Spells' Kingdom.

One would think hearing the name of this kingdom that they were the most sinful, but truly, they were second best when it comes to kindness between all 5

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One would think hearing the name of this kingdom that they were the most sinful, but truly, they were second best when it comes to kindness between all 5. They were always ruled by a wizard that never believed in dark magic, however the wicked witches that discovered the secrets that lie behind dark magic gave them the "sin" in their name, ruining their reputation of course. The big sorcerer; the king ,never allowed dark magic to take place unless necessary, and would punish everyone who dare go against his words.

Devilish Demons' Kingdom.

The lands that no one dared to put a step in; willingly or by force

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The lands that no one dared to put a step in; willingly or by force. The lands of the hellhounds and the demons. The lands that were so close to hell they were almost present in it. Lucifer himself has ruled these lands for as long as they have been present. He ruled with cruelty and never spared anyone a chance.

Fiery Fangs' Kingdom.

If you're looking for some darkness, some mischief, and a lot of blood, you'll find it all here

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If you're looking for some darkness, some mischief, and a lot of blood, you'll find it all here. The kingdom that had a dark eerie atmosphere captivating its lands, where no creature would enter without the feeling of fear getting the best of them. The kingdom that was thought to be the cruelest of all worlds due to its reputation of being merciless on those who dare to betray them. The kingdom where I, Evelyne Fangs grew and lived my whole life between its clouds and dark trees, cherishing the dark era that made me who I am today.

And in the midst of all these lands lay the unknown, the forbidden, the abandoned lands that were only walked by humans -if found- and a couple of hybrids who were a victim of either a mistake, or a sacrifice of love.

Peace and calmness raided the kingdoms, the storms remained silent, after the war has long subsided.

The war that started over a gem, however, stories say that this gem was never found, but rather destroyed by the hands of the angel to stop the war between all kingdoms, and ever since then, no one heard about it nor dared search for its remains.

At least, that's what we have been told growing up.

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