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"So, vamp, what brings you here?" The girls I previously met is now dragging me opposed the direction the other guy came from. I came with terms that each type of demon are located in an area of land. And so, he came from the land of the incubi. That can only be it.

"Uhm, I have something to deal with." With a dry tone, I follow the girl into hell knows where.

She turns back to look at me with a 'are you kidding me' look. Yeah that might have sounded a little ironical.

"You're either lost, dumb, or both. But for my account, this is not the way for the crossroad demons, so if you want them, you shall head to the north of the lands." We stop in our tracks and once again I stare at her with confusion. I should've done my homework before coming here. How many demons are there?

"There are the cross roaders, obviously, incubi and succubi; the lust demons, there are the greed demons, the night demons, giving you those nightmare, uhm, the demons who don't have a job yet, the demons that push you to sin, and of course, the best," she pauses, points at herself with both hands and puts on a look full of pride, "Lucifer's demons. We carry his jobs here and there, get them done."

My confusion grows more and more. Am I thinking out loud? The hell is happening here?

"No darling, take a chill pill, I can read your mind."

Dammit why does everyone I know read minds?

"Honestly I don't care, but what I do know is that you are looking for no crossroad demons, seeing you didn't know who are they, so who do you want?"

I stutter for a few seconds before I run my hands over my face and taking a deep breath I manage to get out, "I'm looking for a flower, a special one, gem related, I don't know, magical? Probably associated with power, if you can help me find it I'll be grateful."

She stares at me for a moment as if recalling any special flowers out there before her features morph into realization.

"Oh, you mean the gem flower. Honey, those are only found in Lucifer's dungeon, you'll have to beg your way out of there." She looks at me like I'm the most stupid person she's ever met. Way to make me feel welcomed.

"Can you spare me the talk and tell me how can I get it? And live?" furious, I could no longer take this non sense.

"Geez, calm down, this way. Follow me." And with that she continues walking ahead without shutting that obnoxious mouth of hers about how she thinks that vampires are inferior to demons.

Honestly? I could care less. I just need what I came here to get and be out as soon as possible.

Damn this dry air is making my skin itchy, even worse than the weather back home. Or where I thought was home. I wonder if I'm really going to see how the human kingdom looks like, how it feels like, to stroll on the lands with Davien by my side. A sweet dream that is.

'Or, if you join me here it won't be a dream anymore.'

His soothing deep voice fills my head as a smile involuntarily crawls up my face.

'See you sneaking in my thoughts now are you Mister Davien Woods?'

'Well I couldn't help staying any longer without hearing your voice. How is it like with the demons?'

'Oh so far? Can't begin to tell you how fantastic it is right here, they're so kind.' my irony can be felt and heard through our thinking spaces.

'Will it make you feel any better if I tell you that things are going pretty well? You were right, the hybrids here are so much stronger than we thought, and they have been working really hard in this wall issue.'

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