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"The first step to getting your powers back is acknowledging how powerful you are without them." Alexander and I have started to train, but this time on my spiritual level.

"You know I trained an army of vampires for most of my live. That has got to say something." He got me to sit on the ground with my legs crossed and my eyes closed.

"That is none of my concern. You shall be able to harness your magic deep down before you have your ultimate power." I could sense he's pacing around me with the wind circling my mind.

"Why did you tell me I needed my memories back before I get my powers?" I ask still with my eyes closed.

"I know you're a smart girl, Adelynn, didn't you figure it out by yourself?" he pauses in front of me and I open my eyes with disbelief.

"Yeah well, I want to make sure."

"Close your eyes and focus. Concentrate on your power, on your link with the ground, on all your senses."

"I am missing one as I close my eyes." I roll my eyes before closing my eyes and shaking my head.

"Try stopping the wind around you, put everything in you in that."

I try focusing on that ridiculous task, squinting my eyes ever more and squeezing ever last ounce of blood in my mind.

It feels like it's working, the wind in my head has stilled, so I open my eyes to check if that has happened to find that nothing happened.

"This is nonsense." Furious and giving up, I stand up and head inside.

"If you're going to handle it this way you'll never have your powers back. I can't just give you it, and it's because of you, not me. When you remember why then come back to me." he storms off angrily and leaves me behind.

What is it with the men in my life doing that these days? First Davien and now my father?

I needed to let out off some steam.

I head up to my room, or the one I'm staying in searching for something to do.

The first and only thing that caught my mind was the Davien. Gosh I messed up big time last I saw him, I should really talk to him.

I let my guard down and fetch our mind link hoping he would answer and not ignore me.

'Davien? Are you there? If you're listening to me, I am so sorry. I know I shouldn't have acted that way last time but please, talk to me.'

I stare out my window at the white snow feeling completely and utterly helpless. Maybe I am not that important, maybe I don't deserve this life. I got an angry mate, a furious father, a furious vampire fake father. Would could possible go more wrong?

'You left your mind link open, does that count?' Davien replies from the other side and a smile is drawn on my face at the sound of his soothing voice.

'I thought you were mad at me.' my sass could never leave me could it?

'Is that how you want it to be? I can always hang up and go back. Guess you don't want me here.'

'No, no don't leave me hanging, I need you. I can't do this without you honestly.'

'Then look under your window.'

I frown obviously confused at all of this. I reach my window and open it to see two swords lying on the white ground out above each other to form an X-shape.

That only served to feed my confusion more and more. As I was about to ask Davien what does that mean, I feel two strong hands engulf me in a hug from behind and it is only seconds before his earthly scent invades my lungs and heart.

The Gem of Buried SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now