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"We still didn't figure out what is this wall made up of and we can't damage it in any way." I say as I stroll around the wall running my hand along it.

"That's why we couldn't even extract a sample of it to examine, and our magic works so poorly beside it it's almost not effective at all." One of Merlin's "white coats" as he likes to call them elaborates as he checks his clipboard.

"Have you actually seen humans out here?" I ask but I'm not sure if it is out of curiosity or hope...

"Well no one has reported seeing one upfront, except one guy but no one believes him, but other than that there have bee-" I stop the white coat right there before he continues babbling.

"Why not? What if that man can be our key? Show me to him." I demand looking the guy down as he crumbles beneath my glare.

"But ma'am I can't do that..." He says with a breathy voice. Gosh these sorcerers are so weak.

"And why not?"

"Because no one knows where he is."

"And how can I find him?"

"You can't. He finds people not people find him. Seek his presence and he'll reach you if he wants to."

I felt that what he is saying is all nonsense. What kind of person is that?

"Madam Evelyne, we have to go back right now." Another annoying guard shouts out as I stand up properly looking at my left.

"And why is that?" I inquire having a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Oscar has passed out of nowhere, he is not breathing, we should get him to a doctor quickly." All the other guards start panicking and huddling around that guy called Oscar.

I approached the crowd to see a blue-faced fragile guy shrank to half his sized. I frowned nearing his figure as the atmosphere just keeps on getting colder and colder as I come close to his aura.

I frown as I sense that eerie vibe coming out of him, as if there is something pushing him away from here.

"Where was he before this happened?" I demand asking the ones who were with him.

"We found him lying cold beside this opening, we don't know for sure what caused him to blank out." The one holding him said as another started shouting for them to bring him to the car they brought.

"You coming princess?" Davien comes from behind me putting a hand around my shoulder "I can't leave you here alone, you're coming with us."

"No, no leave without me, I want to see what is happening here. After all this is why I am here. If they have an instrument to weaken their magic, then it should be here." I near the opening the guard pointed at slowly as Davien strolls behind be putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Evelyne I'm not sure what effect will that have on you, let's go back I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Don't worry Davien, I'm a big girl I can manage my safety, besides here you are. Unless you're afraid more about yourself" I turn and give him a wink before I turn back to inspect the wall. "Ooohh look there's something here!"

I run my hand on the wall as I find a small fracture in the wall and some wind is passing through. I frown as I rub that spot with my fingers to find out what is happening behind the scenes.

"Evelyne I am not sure about this..." He keeps pushing with that skeptical tone that dominates his posture.

I ignore his words as I continue to figure out a way to decompose this puzzle. I squint my eyes and bend my knees to get closer to that fracture in the wall. As I get closer I find out that it is indeed like a puzzle; all the parts are somehow connected together and there's a small keyhole that is seemed to be on the wrong side.

"Here, come look at this." I gesture for Davien to kneel down beside me.

"Holy, what is that? Is there a key or something? But wait if they built it shouldn't it be on the other side? Unless..!" My smart smart Davien has also figured it out.

"Exactly my love, there might be humans inside here." I try pushing some parts that seem foreign to others in between the shapes.

I look up at him to see if he's keeping up to find him stoned to my face as a childish smile is growing on his face.

"What is there something on my face?" He stays silent for a moment, and I proceed what I was doing as I recall what I said. Maybe I said something wrong? Or is it because I called him my love?

Discarding that fact from my mind, I sense that the shapes actually resemble a gem at the top of a shape I couldn't decipher yet.

"This shape looks like a gem. Do you think that has a coloration with the war?" And suddenly everything has to do with the war.

As I was saying that, a light shines through the whole and pushes both of us away from the wall.

"Come on Evelyne, let's go, we'll come back another time." Davien pushes me up and goes away from the wall to another car that was still waiting for us.


As we reach the castle I feel like I accomplished nothing, I was so close to finding something that would lead us to a conclusion... But I finished right where I started.

What made me think a lot was the fact that it had a gem shape upon that hole, the only significant thing that can be seem only up close.

And then came my father, he definitely will be asking about the improvements we're making in the case at hand. What am I supposed to tell him? What will he say? How will he react...?

"You know I always say it and I'll always say it, you think a whole lot for a small person."

"Well what can I say? Responsibility comes with fatigue. I have to take it." I shake my head at Davien as he escorts me inside the castle. "After what is close to a hundred years, I'm bound to think a lot about everything."

"You need to take a chill pill and let the elders take control for once, you'll seem older than you really are otherwise." He gives me a wink before going up the stairs into the hallway.

Yep, this is an interesting trip for sure.

The Gem of Buried SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now