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"Welcome my dears, hope you had a safe trip." King Alexander hops out to greet us with his enthusiasm at the front door of the castle.

I glance at him with silence, and let me say, for an old man, he sure is the epitome of elegance.

His white hair fluffs against his lightly tanned skin and his blue eyes sparkle in the absence of the sun this early in the morning. I'm stone struck in front of such a divine creature standing right a couple of feet around me.

For a dark creature like myself, I don't feel much out of place in his warm presence in these sacred lands, but I can't but feel welcome with his friendly gaze.

"I've been waiting for your arrival for days, glad you finally made it in one piece. Please do come in." with a big smile and a warm tone, Alexander invites us in meanwhile neither Davien nor I have spoken yet.

"I'm sorry excuse our rudeness, I'm Davien woods, and this is Princess Evelyne Fangs. We come to you with all modesty and well intentions." Davien does the honors of introducing us to the king as I muster a small smile.

"Oh I'm sorry if I sounded so weird, I know well who you are dears, we angels know everything." In other circumstances, that would sound really creepy, but for some reason nothing seemed out of place here.

"I'm sorry your majesty, I'm Evelyne Fangs, it is absolutely honorable to finally meet you." I finally let out words and shake the angel's hand.

"It is absolutely my pleasure, now why don't you go up and settle in? Breakfast will be in a few."

And with that, we head inside the castle, and what caught my attention is the beautiful baby blue walls with a single silver shiny wavy line drawn across the walls with soft white clouds splattered here and there.

We ascend the pale white wooden flared stairs with our bags on our backs. My heart thumps in my chest now faster as we get one step closer to knowing the truth. My doubts resurface my thoughts as I reach the top of the stairs and wonder if I am even supposed to be here, will I even find anything? Will I hear what I'm hoping to hear?

"These angels are so pure, but I say we share one room how about that?" Davien's voice wakes me up from my doze as we stand in front of a beige wooden door.

Everything in this castle is bright and lively, it actually makes me forget my dark nature. The white snow, the white clouds have obscured the sun today, but with that, it doesn't cease to light up this kingdom.

"Uh, yeah sure, we won't be staying up this much anyways, a couple nights won't hurt." I give him a small smile and open the door to the room.

"I'll take a quick shower, do you want help with these?" Davien points to the bags sitting in front of the bed

"No I'll be fine, just going to change into something else."

I sit on the bed and close my eyes. Today, I'm probably going to get the answers for my questions, and maybe this might help in the issue of the wall in the witch kingdom.

I think back to Merlin and sinister's spells', I wonder what will happen after this trip, what will happen to Davien? Will he confront Xavier? Will he go back to sinister's spells? May I should ask him to come back with me to fiery fangs.

But then it hit me, father will kill me, bringing a hybrid to be my king, how will he react to that?

Besides what if Davien doesn't want to live his life between vampires? Will he leave me?

I look outside at the brilliant sky and the snow-covered mountains. This is the first time in my life that I get to witness snow. I smile to myself reminiscing the beauty of the kingdoms we've been through.

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