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"There you are! I have been looking everywhere for you!"

I have been practicing my magic for the past week on top of the castle in Winter's Wings' Kingdom along Davien.

Ever since we found out that we somehow ended up witches we have stuck together to grow our potentials.

"You should've known I would be here." I get up the ground to give him a small peck and a hug.

"I like to challenge myself." He puts his arms around my waist and kisses my forehead.

The shock that struck him after knowing the truth was rather less than the time before. Surely he has had a growing relationship with his wolf side more than his witch one.

We were interrupted by a call from a messenger angel to meet Alexander downstairs.

"What would your old man want?" Davien intertwines his hand with mine as we head down together.

"He probably wants to teach us a new amateur spell like the ones we have been practicing." I shrug with a twist to my mouth.

The room is in chaos, angels talking with Alexander surrounding him while stress and panic control his features.

"This doesn't say well." I give Davien a side look and with wide eyes I approach the witch sitting between the angels.

"Adelynn, Davien, oh thank goodness you're here, things are breaking apart." With worried eyes and a cracked voice, Alexander gives me that look and my heart just fell from my chest.

"What's wrong? What's going on?" not sure whether or not I want to hear the answers for these questions, I sit by his side as Davien remains standing by my side.

"It's the abandoned lands. The humans and the hybrids are up to no good." The look in his eyes was enough to speak all the danger that is about to happen.


"What in the name of Winter's Wings do you think you're doing?" Alexander comes out of the castle door fury coming out of every pore in his body.

"We're going to the abandoned lands, I have to see what is going on there and stop it." I argue with Alexander as Davien and I stand on the doorsteps of his castle.

"Adelynn I cannot afford to lose you again, the first time was devastating. The thought of letting you go breaks me into pieces." He holds both my hands in his and tears brim his eyes.

"This time won't be devastating, you're coming with us." With a wide smile on my face and a squeeze to his hands I let out the breath I was holding in, "Father."

As shocked as he look, happiness took over his features and he engulfs me in a hug.

He starts to protest against that idea saying he has duties here but I silence him and stand between him and Davien.

"Let's do this."

I look at Davien before I take his hand in one of mine and my father's hand in my other one as we get ready to transport ourselves into the abandoned lands.

"This is the first time I do this, if we end up in hell, I am sincerely sorry." I close my eyes and focus on the spell at hand to feel the world spinning around us and the vibe changing.

Once the cold was gone and the wind has settled, I dared open my eyes to find myself in completely different place.

I open my mouth to say something but I'm rendered out of words. But that doesn't seem to be only my case as Davien and Alexander both look at each other then at the scene in front of us with wonder.

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