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The restaurant had a magical vibe, and not in the literal meaning. Small chatter echoed between the walls as couples and groups talked together.

Davien and I had gone out to a place on the outskirts of his town, giving an explanation for the scents of witches and werewolves that intertwined together.

"You know it's actually surprising how you and the werewolves share this place together." I state in amusement as I notice how carefree everyone in here is.

"Well actually this place belonged to humans, but when the werewolves took it they declared it a no man's land. So technically if any other creature lived near here they would have come and gone out of here like all of us do." he takes a bite of his plate after continuing his statement.

"I wanted to ask you something. It's about the gem and the war. I've read about it during the past days but I was wondering why there are very little information mentioned about the topic? Do you know something about it?" I inquired taking a sip of my glass.

"For a tiny person you have a lot of brain capacity." he lets out a sarcastic laugh.

"Come on Davien, I'm serious!" I frown my eyebrows exasperatedly at his comment.

"Okay fine, I'm sorry. Anyway, you won't find what you are looking for in any book. The reason? I don't exactly know but my teacher used to tell us it's because no one knows the truth about it. But I was never convinced by what he fed our hungry minds."

I raised my eyebrows in despair and disappointment. That's it? There has to be something wrong.

"But many of our ancestors lived through that war and are still present to this day. There is no way none of them don't know anything." I narrowed my eyes at his face thinking internally for a solution to my dilemma.

"Well maybe they don't want us to know" Davien shrugged as he paid the bill.

He stood up offering me his hand as I take it and we both leave the restaurant.

"Well thank you for this magical evening, it was amusing." I offer him a small smile as we saunter out of the restaurant into the car.

"The only magical thing about tonight is your eyes." Sincerely smiling at me, he managed to make my heart flutter once again

"U-hh , th-thanks" For some reason I always stutter when he compliments me still not used to this type of sweetness.

I was about to say something else but suddenly I felt a shock travel throughout my whole body. My head rang with pain as I tried to find something to lean on.

I heard muffled voices around me and strong arms trying to keep me up.

And everything turns black right then.


I see our house in the distance, shining under the bright rays of the sun, it looks so magnificent. The trees are full of life as they stand up straight, their heads wandering between the clouds.

I hear laughter and smiles surrounding me, but find no one in sight. I see the happiness swirling around the big castle, and not just as a visitor. It seems as if it resides in there between its walls.

There's a different aura to it, different than the usual at least and I find myself enjoying the feeling of it a whole lot; the sun on my face without a barrier, the grass tickling my toes, the cold-warm air breezing against my body, crossing by as if I am not even there.

Then, out of the blue everything turns darker, the sun runs away, the trees become lifeless as if they were never green. Happiness turns into sorrow and the castle becomes a prison of words and feelings. The souls inside want salvation and escape but there is no exit.

Amidst this swirl of darkness, I see my father's face wickedly smiling at me at the entrance of the castle.


I was woken up by muffled voices talking above my head. I could point out familiar and unfamiliar voices arguing about something I couldn't put my finger on.

"Can you for God's sake stop arguing my head hurts too much to handle your voices?" I spit out harshly trying to open my eyes or moving my limbs but all to no avail.

"Even in your worst situations you find the energy to answer back wittedly." I sense Davien's presence by my right and another's on my left.

"She's woken up faster than my expectations. I wonder if that is due to her vampire genes or another factor we aren't aware of." I'm guessing that's the doctor's voice that popped up on my side.

"Thank you doctor, we'll make you know if anything happened." Davien harshly kicks him out of the room in a very formal way. Smooth.

"Can you please let me loose of these cuffs and strings?" I managed to open my eyes and faintly look at his blurry face.

"Well until I know what happened to you, we won't be going anywhere." He got a chair and put it beside my bed.

"Look I'm fine, it's maybe due to lack of blood. And probably to sunlight exposure. I've never been this much time in sunlight, my body is adapting to it." I tried to sit up straight but failed without some help from Davien.

"No I'm not letting you out in this condition. Though, the doctor said you're recovering quickly, so that is a good sign, my little warrior." He gives me that quirky smirk and admiration showed in his eyes.

"I'll hate you forever if you don't let me out-" before I could complete my sentence a huge figure obscured over my vision so fast for my blurry eyes to comprehend.

"What was that again princess?" I fall down in the bed squirming under his scrutinizing gaze.

He comes closer and closer to my face, his lips nearing mine...but then it hit me...

Am I really ready for that? Never mind the fact that I've never kissed a guy, ever, is this how I want it to be? Is Davien who I want to have that with? He is my soul mate by fate, but what do I know about him? He could be an undercover agent for all I know. I want whatever will be formed between us to be sincere, a real bond where we get to know each other and not act up just because of a bond that just formed between us overnight.

I close my eyes and look downwards biting the side of my lower lip.

"Davien- I'm sorry. Don't get me wrong that is all I want to do in this moment. But I can't. I want the things we do to be genuine, true, honest and magical. We are attracted to each other under the effect of this bond we have, and to be honest I would rather we get to know each other more, aside from this soul mate story, I'd like to know you, the real you, and I would like you to know me as who I really am. Can we do that?"

I stared silently for a minute at my hands before feeling Davien getting up and seeing him take his seat on the chair in my peripheral vision.

"Okay, I'm up for that" I look up at him to find that he has a broad smile plastered on his face as if he just found the toy of his dreams.

Can this guy ever not be unpredictable?

The Gem of Buried SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now